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3© 4 e P) etattonofthe Apocalypfe. C A P. i. his molt holy feverity unto the world by revengingoftheir fins ; srsi- lefe,faithhe, they repent , I Will fight againft themWith theJ' ordof my mouth, chap. 2.16. as there flail be faid -more fully. e 4ndhisface at thefun thatfhineth its his ftrength. 'The face or countenance ofChrift is his woríhip ordainedby God,. in which he is as cleerly behed ofhis fervants , as thofe things which we behold right over again us. To whichpurpofe ferve thefe exhortations, feeke .ye my face, fal. 27. 8. Seeke ye the Lordandhirftsrennth, fee /ce -hisface evermor ,Pfal. ion. 4. As ifhe fhould fay, trial alwayes in the Lord, and t ke. earneft paines in the ftudyof filch things,as wher- with he hath t4ught us to worlhip`him; as long asweare about this endeavour, We are converfant in the fight of the Lord , but as foone as the power thus publikely to worfhip him is takenaway , we are exiled fr9m hisface ;. as.Caine, caft out fromthe Church for killing his brother, complaineth, that he isJhsst out-from theface ofGod: Gen. 4. 14. Therefore the whole Religionof Chrift , pertaining either to Docgrine, or to prayers, Sacraments , and discipline, fhould thine molt purely in thefe Churches. For the nanner of the.order reglti- reth, that his alining face, beingput in the laft place, fhould liignifie, that the laft of the feven Churches should be famous for thedeer be holding of Chrift. And among thefe (as we (hail fee) Philadelphss is the chief, the reft do fobehold the open face of Chrift, that they do rather perceive. that he is angry againft them, then enjoy any part ofhis favourable countenance. The wholeVifion therforemay be brought to this fui, that the firfl ofthe (evenChurches is notable through Chrifts righteoùfneffe, thefaith and holineffeofthat people, the marvellousquickneffè ofunderitanding in the teachers,by whofe fiery eyes the milts oferrours are drivenfar away ; that thofe in the .middeft burn throughgreat affltr`tion, and yet that they make a great noife like thedownfalloftheWatersof Nilm, though it were unto the mcft, like a vainedarning together ofwaves ; that the lattermoft bath teachers found, fufficient and fafely kept , the truth powerful! enough to fubdue theenemies, andgreat purity ofthe whole Religi- on. For it (ball be fuflîrcient for this time"tò diftinguith the Churches into three rankes for plainneffe fake; we will follow amore exad di- ftribution when we come to entreat feverally of them. .17. Ifellfordead at hisfeet. Thus was the' Type. Among the . things that followedupon,it, the aftonifhment of John firft-off eth it felt, which is fuch as hathbefallen other holy men in the like So great is the weaknefíeof our nature , and tho .confcience is fo guilty