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C A P.1. ARevelation of the Apaca1ypfe. 37 28 And I will give him the morning [Far. 29 Let him that hash an ear, hear w tat the fpirit faith to the Churches. The Analyfis (or) Refolution. Hitherto loath beenfpokfn in common, as much as belonveth to allthe feven Churches. That 1.)ehich ùproper to eachof them folloWeth inan Epif le,by name Written to eachof them.Inevery one ofWhich there is an Infcription, a Narration, and a Conclufon. The threefirff are be- longing to the Church,as it declyneth to the worfe,that ofEphefus,Smyr na and Pergamus : the otherfour are of thefame Church returning to the better, andfo as the threefet next together, are oppofed to the three firft,andare anfWerable one to the other that ofThyatyra, te that of Ephefus, that of Sardis to that of Smyrna, that of Philadelphia to that of Pergamus. Laodicea alone loath no equall to match With it. As touching the Church ofEphefus, Which holdeth the firfb place, the In fcription is made by name to the kneel , dfcribing him alfa Who fent the Epifile, that he holdeth the fevenoars in his right hand , and WallZeth among the Candlefickes,verf. t. The .Narration tendeth part- ly tocommendations , commending his Labour-, Patience, `Difcipline,, vert. 2. As alto his unWeariable diligence, verf 3. Partly to reproof, WhichfheWeth thefin, thefirft love loft , verf. 4. And the remedy,Which firfi he propoundeth, teaching in What thing it conffteth , in the care ofdoing The firfl Worlds, and them it ftirreth up to ufe it, partly by.a threatning of removing the Candlefticke, unle(fe they ofe ri edil verf. r. partly by rehearfing the caufefor Which till not theyhadbeer fpared,verf.6.The Conclufion is both after he manner ofan acclamation, requiring attention, as alfa o f ferin. rewards, Where. the reward is polder toeat ofthe treeof life, verf. 7. The ref ofthe Epifiles in this chapter /hall be refolved as theyfollow ira their order. . THE EXPOSITON. t. b the angel/. The Epifles are intitaled one by to...the th L Pa/tors, not that they should keep them to thernfelves in pri- t ink vate, but that they might communicate them with the reff of the Ephefus Cburch,as was laid before, cha. t, i i.Sendto the feven Churches Which or e 1