C A r.t6. ,íl evelationofthe Apocalypf'e. 5451 finde a place here, or elfe it muff be wholly concealed in this Book without once (peaking of it. Wherefore after that Rome (hail be thrown down and deftroyed, there (hall be fpreád everywhere a ru- mor touching this new Chrifrianpeople, at the hearing whereofthe Gentiles (hall be aftonifhed. But what, are the IeVees Icings ? T, why not ? feeing al I Chriftians beKings, as it is above,Chap. a.6. And fee- ing thefour and tVVenty Elders, who do referable the whole compa- ny of the faithfull,weare each of them CroWns en their heads, Chap, ter 4,,4. But the Holy Ghofl gives. the Ielbes this magniricall name, becaufe it (hall be an honourable thing for them in a fpeciall manner, to return again at lafl unto this truth, to which they had been like dead men before,as an to love and honour that truth withvery great godlineffe, holineffe and reverenthomage,.having their unbelieving and obftinate hearts fubdued and mollified,and all this after fo maw ages,and after filchobdurate contumacie ofthat Nation. Andbetides, all this, the whole Faft (hail be in obedience avid fabjeetion unto them; fo that this people arenot called /Cow unworthily, in regard of their large and wife Jitrifdiftion and Empire : More then this, they feem to be expreflÿ called Icings, in the 'Prophet Efay, Chap.24., Verf. 21, &c. .Ifwe );Hall confider of the words and meaningof the place diligently :.AnditJhall 'be (faith he) in that day, the Lord. vifit the haft of him that to on high, in an high place, and the "(ins.'s of the earth, that are upon the earth; And they fhall be gatheed together, as onethat isbound into a pit,.andthey(hallbefhut up inapri- fon; Andafter many ¿ayes they fhall be vifited. Then the Moonfliäll be abafhed, andthe Sun ofarced, Whcn the Lord of hofi<s (hall raign in Mount Sion, and in Ierufalems, andfballbeglorious before his ancient men. TheHofr ofhim that is on high,- and the Kings of the earth are all one in this place,who are afterward gathered into a pit, and after many dayes are vifited, at whofe deliverance the Noon (hall be arbamed, &c. Which lair words are for certain underftood ofthe full reboringof the Ietnes ; Wherefore thefe words elfodo fpeak of the fame men,as whomGod bath thrutl Into a pit in his mofr heavie indigtration,and bath held them(hut upwithin amoll hard and cruel prifon,becaufe they have defpifed his Son. But at length he (hall vifit thefe bound and prifoned men, and (hall bring themout ofprifon, at whole burning zeal,and notable defireof, & purfiiit after true godli- neffe,the Churches of the Gentiles,as it were,the Moonand Sun (hai be of iamed,by reafon ofthis greater light dazling them. leiscalled the Holt of the Highef on higb,becaufe the le*: were the peculiar people of