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546 Woe!ati.n of the Aptvc ,lypfe. C A t'.1. ofGod the tnoft high,and were his Chttrch,which is heavenly,wherr, upon they are called often inDaniel, the holy Nei that be on high, or in the high heavens, Chap. 7. 22, &c. But this !hall be enough to finde out the truemeaningof theft words, wemay not now ufe mote words in this matter. I have fet down theft things with more 'tore of words, becaufe I would give our Divines an occafion of thinking more ferioufly of thefe things. The Dings come from the rifng of the Sun,becaufe there are grcateft numbers of the Ietber in thofe countries, as alto beetufe thefe !hall behold the truth, and (hall inibrace the ftudyofit firft ofall others of themelfewhere. But you will fay, 7heTemple WasAset up, till thefeven plaguesbe aecomplifhed; which we have {hewed tobe fpoken in refped of the 1e*es,Cha . 25. 18. But that is tobe underftood ofthe .Univerfall calling ; But here the beginning thereofis only taught us, as we will declare more fully afterwards. By which we may fee how thefxth Vigil anfwereth to theftxth Trumpet. This fent out four furies into the worldfrom Esuphrates,that fha11 minîlter great joy from the fame place,as which 'hall yeeld a huge army of newChriftians, by whole power andprowefíe, thofe furies !hall be font back toHell; but as Romer Idolatry brought the foul, moody and bloodyTurk! upon the world ; fo this comfort of the Church, 'hall then ftraightwayes ap- pear after that Rome is defaced utterly. Verf. t3. And Ifats unclean fpirits come out of the mouth ofthe Dragon. This is thefeaondevent, which bath firft a Preparation to battell,whereof there are three principal) taufers, and as many hel- pers: three uncleanfpirits like Frogs,in this verfe; Whofe work is de- fcribed in the verle following. The Princippali Agents are theDra- gon, the Beall, and thefalfe Prophet. The Dragon is the open enemy throughout this whole Book, who were the Emperors ofRome, as long as they remainedHeathetas.The2tasks play this part in thefe Taft ages. The Bee is a more ciofeand crafty. enemy, who is Antichrift, thatfstteth in the Temple ofvod,as it is, Chap. 3. He is called a falfe Prophet now firfl ofall,and often afterwards,after the fifthnall was powredout. But it muff needs be that thereh'ath been fome defcrip-' rion madeof himbefore:For ?ehnfpeaketh as of a perfon well enough known.Which indeed we (hall finde in that old crafty and fubtillfe- condBeall, which wehave heard, Chap. 13. i a. &c. Who wrought Wonders andprodigious lies,both the Reaft.r ferved tomake oneand the fame i tetichrif;yetfo,as the firfîfigiriftedhis temporall and swill ty rannie,