Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

C A P . t 4. etelationofthe 4páe4;IIpfe. 54i.. tyrannie, the fecond his fpirituall fraud and malice, 9.s it hattibeen faid before. But this fecondBee is nol called thefalfe Prophet exprefly, in re- fpect of that more manifeft revealing ofhim, which should Be under thisfirth Friáll. For howfeeverhe should have many followersas yet to retain .unto him, yet the chiefpart ofmen, yea, of thofe that have bin formerly worfhippersof hirn,lhall acknowledge him to be a craf- ty and lying hypocrite,and iliall therefore,detaft and abhor him as he deferveth: For now the event Mall teach ris, after that Rome is laid wave, what glorious lies thofe were which they havebroached, as touching Peters Chair,tbe holinefe of the Church ofRome, and touch- ing the invincibleliability andperpetual' confancy thereof agairifthe aff-aults Qf4IImen.Wherefore the Beall and thefalfe Prophet none and the ',awe diptichrig. ,But yet fo,as he hatha double power, both fpiri- tuali and temporall,all which he fhal nowmake rife of to deceive the imp le,and to draw them to be ofhis fide again;he¡hal open his trea- fury,he (hall (pare for no colt,he (hall levie mighty forees,and he (hat do all other things that make to open violence. And he (hall be no ,leffe diligent and careful!, that the rude and unskilfullmay be intan- -gled with all kinde offraud, couzenage, and juggling tricks of that kind,that is,with lies and :crrors;to the end that he may have aid from t'aem towards this finall batten which hee is now in preparing : The Turk,thetfore,that Emperor-like Prief ,.& the Pope Balaam,are thefe three mouths, which (hall belch out the:Frogs at lift in their due time. The threeuncleanfpirits like to Frogs. That is,the three I nftruinent.s and Helpers, which there execrable heads fhah make rife of; that is, Out of the moethofthe Dragon the Turk, there !hall come thofe that are called;Baffa,Age, Peg, Beglarbeg, Sancfackr ; and the rat ofthe Captains and - Coronetsof his army: ont oftheprince -like Prief,there (hall come filch Captains alfo,as he commonly uferh in his wars. Out of the_mouthof the falle Prophet the Pope, there came thefe?eftits, whom heprincipally nfeth in this fervice,with allthe reft ofthe Toads thatbelong to hishelljlh Hierarchie.Tfiefecome out oftheir mouths, becaufe they (hall let upon this work, at the commandment of their foveraign Lord, as it is.plain ,by the vol .of whereby the le- (wits are houndto the Tope,togo Whither he (hallfend them,abo.tot -*hat- föever attempt he (hall injoya them. But why are they calledfpirits ? Isit becaufe -they are like tothat breath that cometh out of the mouth, and which=hath very great 411i ty with thgfe,ornwhom itis breathed? both cooling, life to them,as a1fo,borxowingwarmth, and a ftit king