Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

548 A Çf eelation ofthe Apocalypfe. C A P . t 6. a.flii!tking favour from themagain? Certainly thefe threedefying Go- liaJs, are joyned in great league offriendfhip with their Lords,they draW life and heat from them,and give them life mutually. Or, is it, perhaps, for this reafon, becaufe they that' approve themfelves to be no leffe indulfrious andpowerfull in difpatchingof theirbufineffe, then fpirits ? Truly the worldhathalready had evidence and fuffici- ent proof of the ftngular vigilancie, and ofmore, almoff, then cre- dible diligence Of thefe combatants ; and it is not likely that they will bemoré [luggifh in their !aft incounter. They are like unto Frogs ; becaufe they delight intheirownmolt filthy and [linking abominations ofDc rine,ouit ofwhich they fetch their beginningand their life. They refufe to beclothed with Chrifbs righteoufneffe, boafting themfelves of their own mire,as ifthey were clean enough therewith, to appear before God. And feeing the"Sea was made all like carrionly filthy blood before this, what other thing is there that candelight in fo filthy a Pool, where fuck {finking, weeds'grow, but Frogs, Toads, and fuch kinde ofexecrablevermine that came from the Lake of fire and brimftone, and lhall thither again one day ? But betides theirfilthineffe, they are like to FroQs,alfo in their importunatecraving: For thefe bellowes oftroubles,andwar making Furies !hall leave nothing undone, that they may fet the wholeworld in a combufrion. But why is there no difFcrncemade between the Captains and Souldiers of the Pope and the Turk ? be- caufe howfoever nothing [hall be more common in the Jefuits and Papifts, then the Name of Icf s Chrifl, fo that they will be cal- led !emits from thence; yet feeing they hope for life and falvati- on by their own merits, they differ in nothing from the Heathens, who do wholly defpife "Chri . Verf. 14. For theyarefpirits of `Devils. He loth yet more fully dcfcribe unto us in thefe words, the nature of thefe fpirits, by their Lords, their prodigious works, and their Embaffage to all the Kings of the earth.Their Lords are Devils, becanfe the Princes wham they ferve are fuch,as are wholly depending on, and beholding to the Dè- Dill.himj If, C1111).12.'9. and 3. 2. They !hall work wondersby the force and power' of the Devil!, in working whereof the Devill is marvelloully cunning; fo ashehath imparted of his cunning and faculty herein to thefecund Béaft, 2 Thef. a.. 9. and above, 09ap.13. t.3 They [hallgoe to the ICinQc ofthe earth, to gather them together to the`;yj,ir, 6eiitífe after that Euphrates 'Mall be "dried up, and the.way {hall be preparedfor the E.afiern IeWer; tbeTark fearing his own efkate,