CAPa6. ./f*ve14tioJ ofthe Apocalypfe. Pi 9 eftate, (hall make war againft them , with the greater} preparation that may be , as it isdeclared moreat large by Daniel, Chap. i 1.4. Neither Hail theBeaft of Rome together with thefalfe Prophet be- 11 irthernfclvesa whitleffe in the wcft,that they mayutterly deftroyall that embrace pure Religion with fire and fword.And they (hall take the vantage, to fat upon this,when the Turk fhalbe withheld and takenup withWßrre in the Eaft whereby it thall come to pafle, that the life atad fafty of the whole Church(hall be it fzrreme jeo- pardy at one and the fame time; This is that war,the Alarumwhere- of the Frorgs /hallfoundout to the Kings of the Earth. Verf, t 5. Behold Icome ,u a Theefe.Thefe words trouble Theod. Remcore ; as if they hadcrept into a place that had not been meete for them , from fome other more proper place. But fèeing thefe times (hould be aloft wofull as its, to.retold in refpec`t of the ,Lewes, 12. I. And it is not like that we the ChriftianN- tions, -Mould be in any better cafe, this watchword here needs not (rem fuperfluous, and unfeafonable to any man. The greatnesof this danger might ter- rifie any of the flouteft men that could be in thole dayes. But leaf} any man fhould dafh hisfoot agaiql this"lone of offence, and mare fhipWrack of hisfaith, Chrift biddeth him be of good chear,and not to forfake the righteoufnes of faith for any fear( whichbe the gar- ments he fpcakethofhere,and which the advcrfaries will aloft ofall }}rive tobereave a man of ) promifing that he twill comeat a theefe on a fodaine,and that he w ill plague theenemies, when they are l, all a- wareof ir, and that he will ado deliverthe Church. I he like fclace was given Chap. 13.1o. and 14,13.That fo wemay know that filch heartningSentences as this, are neither lirange, nor unfruitful!, but molk feafonable and neccfhary. Neither are thefe words brought in abruptly; but Peeing mention was made in the words that went next before; of Godalmighty, they are brought in as fpoken by this God almighty himfelf in perfon,togive them the greater force. Their Garments. That is , the aflitrance of the pardonof our fins by Jefits Chrift alone,whetewith our Sitsare covet ed, Itom.4.6,7. Neither arc thereany other garments, wherew ith all our nakednes, canbe covered. Thepurity of Saints, or of cur felyt s, cannot cover fo much as our backs,ft. far is it from being able to hide our more de- formed and unfeemly parts. Ihefegarments are called afterwards the righteoufineIre ofthe Saints5 Chap. 19. S. `Vhete we !hall fee what force thefewordshave. Vert, 16. find they gathered them together into a place called in A a a a I-Icb,-ern