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550 rte gevelatioMofthe Apocalypfe. CAP.26, HebrewArmagedo`n. This is the third memberof the fecond event. But who is this that (hall gather them together ? It is (brill verily and therefore he doth not !peak in the plurali number , and fay they gathered them , that is , thofe three Spirits, but the words in the Greek are, he gathered them,in the fsngular number. Whatfover the Kings of the earth aimed at,Gods fecret providence Thal foguide and overrule them, that whatfóever def}ruelion they devifand entend to bring upon othe.s, it fhould fall upon themfelves; unleff perhaps the sown that governeththis verbebe ( Spirits) which are ipokenof in the 14. verbe, and are faid there to go forth, to which thefe words may be joyned, that are in this verfe,and fo the r 5.verfe (Mould be int: rpofed by a Parenthefis. But yet whofoever they were that tookpaines to gather them together, they are governed by the hidden providence of Chrifl:. For being lead by the handof God, they fhall affemble together of their own accord into that place,from whence there !hall no way ofefcaping appear; which place iscalled in Hebrew firmagedon,as Montanusand `Plantins Edition reade it by a (ingle d.even as Areras alto reades it,faving onely that he chang- eth one Letter Erma-fedon.And thefecopies had perhaps hit right, if they had retained the Afpiration Harmagedon,after which manner I verily think the word is to be read, as it (hall be made to appear by thatwhich (hall be immediatly fpoken upon tti>weir d,f I benot de- ceived.Theod.Beza,will have d.doubled,asalfo the vulgar Latinwill, as if it were madeofHar,and Megiddon. Which is the place where lofias was (lain, a. Chro. 35. az. But this place was rufull unto the Church,and profperours unto the wick(d, but Harmagedon feemeth to becontrary: Our countryman IohnFoxeof happy memory,brirg- ethan interpretation from a more fit allufiö as it feemeth to me 'Who will not have any reference to be made to Iofias in this place,but to that notablevi&ory,which Deborah and Bargekgot by a tittle army ofthat exceeding great Hofre of Sifera at the townofMegiddon that was fated on the mountain judg.5. a9. &c,But yet while I confider ofthe matter more diligently,no fuch matter feemeth tome to be al- luded to in thisplace,but here is rather a reference made to that place in Daniel, Chap. i a. 45. Andhe /hall pitch the Tents of his palacebe- Avert the StetsRn the gloriousandHoly menntains. It may be proved by many Argumeuts, that that Prophecie of Daniel,and of John in this place;belongeth to the fame time, namely to this fixt Vial, aswe willone day make it plain,ifGod will give leave.The difference is onely in this,, t hat the Turks is there fpokenofin 1everall,as he is the enemy