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p.m Ì1,eyelatio?1ofthe Apoca1 pfé. enemyof the lariftian Jewes : here all the enemies of tilt whole Church bothGentiles,andJews are ípoleen andentreated ofjointly. Now the place is fet downby name where the enemy ofthe Jewes did pitch his tents, namely in the mountain of the beauty of Holi neffe, that is in the Hely land between the Syriack,Sea and Euphrates, which is alto called a Sea in the Scriptures. But the Holy Ghoft could not ufe that word which is proper to the Jewes in this Prophecie , where he defcribeth the place of the warre againft Jew andGentile,Chriftiansgenerally : And therefore he made a new name, that might be common to bothof the peoples, and that might comeneereft unto itinfignifì- cation , calling it Harraagedon. Which compoundedof Har, that is a Hid, and Megadhim, that Ggnifiethdelights, or with the affixe in the fingular number,his delight. Which is the fame name in fence altogether with that which is thereufed. Hartfebhi,the Hill ofa Kid or a Roe,orof pleafure and delight. For the word Tfbhi, fignióeth both there.. It is a word ufed by lovers , when they will call their fweet hearts by loving names, as in the fong of Solomon , my be- loved it lihs a pleafant Roe,c c. Chap. 2.9. By all this it appeares therefore, that the place is by nature foretold by Daniel Where the TurfsJballfight With the Ierves. But here the time place is onely intimated in tenerall where the Reaft Ihall encounter with the Churchof the Gentiles. As if Harrragedon, were acommon name for bothpeople,which is diftinguithed into Har.Tfebi quodfeefch in the Hill of his Holy pleafantnes,the place for the IeWs:and into a Wefternplace that hath no nameat all but is included in the name of the whole.And yet this name teacheth us , that this battell is to be made there , where the church flourifhethwithgreatcft purity.Forthis is the hill ofdelights in Chrilsaccount,we (hall fee thisplace to bea little more diftinetly declared in the largeoptningof this Viall,Chap.t9..But let us obferve for our comfort,that the Holy Church that is among usGentiles, no leffe the hill of delight unto Cjod then that which is to beofthe Iews: God is no accepter of Perfons, he accounteth of them as mort dear unto him in every Nation,who wurChip him truly in Chrift: Verf. 17. And thefeventh Angelpairedout his ['tall upon the aire. The event ofthis Viall Ihall be common, as which is powred upon the airc,whichcompaffeth the land and Sea roundabout,which aire yet is not this Elementary aire, that we breath in, but force other thing which is fignified by this name , as it was ufüall in the other Aaaa 2 Vials.