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55% revelation ofthe Apoca1ypfd.. CAP.16 Vi -al`s. Nöw we know that the Devill is called in Scriptures than 'Prince that hath power over the Aire, Ephef. s. 2. Whether thofe Chaînes of darkneffe belong whichTeter fpeakes of 2- Epiftle 2.4. And lade inhis Epiftle verte 6. Seeing therefore the Aire belongeth to his jurifdiftion , this !aft Vial/ [hall bring a rnoft grievous Calamity unto the Whole Kin.Qdome of the Devil!, The former vial! did plague fomemetnbets thereof feverally, this fhallde- ftroy the whole body of the wicked with a common dtftru- :hon. Andthere came agreat voice out of the Temple ofheaven.The fra event is a great voicc, which is defcribed by theplace fromwhence it cometh, and by that which it fpake. The place is not onely the TempleofHeaven,but the Thronealfo whereofwehad a defcription, Cbap.4.2.That is the habitationof the Saints,as we have le-en before, this is that Throne of higheft Ma jeftie ; which beingplaced in the middeft of theaffemblyof the faithfull,dothglifter withan incom- prehenftble brightnefïfe and glory of the moft Holy Trinity. Where- fore thisvoice cometh mediatly from Godhimfelf, in refpeFt of the minifteryof the Church , whereby it is fignified that God would provide for his fervants, under this vial!, beyondhis ufuall manner, and almoft beyond all hope and expeetation, by putting forth his power and forceirom heaven ; for the defacingof all his enemies, all which wehave heard right now that they were gathered toge- ther, into the place called Harmagedon, which interpretation we fhall fee confirmed more fully in the Chapters that follow where there isa more large explaning of this Viall. The word which was given forth was.It isdone; which is a molt fit word for the confum- matioi of all things. Which we know wasufcd in the creation-of them ; Gen. .This is the meaningofit,as ifhe ihould fay; All things have nowbeen,which I havedecreed fhouldbe done.Neit her is there any thingmore of my promifes remaining, 'the accompli(hment whereof is to be looked for upon earth. For this word it is done, hath Relation to that Chapter i o. 7. In the dayesof the voiceof the feventh Angel, when he blow the Trumpet, the myftery of God ,(hall be accompli/bed. Now (hall the end of all the Prophets come,' both when all the enemies hhall be utterlyand at once abolifhed, and when there (hall be one fheepfold made upon earth,of all the Elea both Jewes and Gentiles under one fhepheard Jefus Chrift. It is certain, that this Kingdomof, Chrift that is thus begun , (.hall be eternal!,_and. (hall never