CAP 6. ATevéta-ttoxoftheApocalypse: 551 sever be broken off againe, and difcontinued, and that it íáu(1bt; tranflated at length from earth into haven ; But I finde no mention in this Bookeof the time, into which thistranflation (hall fall, that Ghall be finifhed perfeetly in Chritts fecond coming.This Prophetic proceeds no farther then to the finali and Vniuerfall (laughter of all theenemies,and the full rLtloring of the Jewi(h Nation, the elute whereof being thus retiored,as allo of the whole Church in all nati- ons wherefoever,it tellethus that it (halbe molt happy,but it (etteth down no certainpoint of time, wherein it (hall depart hence Flom the earth, and (hall take poffe(lion of the heavenly inheritance thereof. Thefe things (hall be made manifeti ont of the Interpreta- tion that followeth,fòme takle whereofwas to begiven in this place, left force perhaps being too curious in marking the ordersof mat- ters, (hould flip into that errmur of fetting down a certain time of thelit day , with which I fee certain learned and godlymen to be carried away,as if force very neer moment thereofcould be defined out of this Viall.The which thing if we Ault examine it a little more diligently, we(hall finde that itis wholly laidup and hidden in the expetetationof hope,and not to come at all, within the comprehen- lion of any underflandingof ours. Now the agreement of the laf Vial( with the leaf( Trumpet is in this, that the Kingdome of Chrift is begun in this where the enemies (hall be put down in part , as it is si. 15. Whereupon that voice was given forth there laying , the Kingdom of the World is come unto (brig. In that, the Kingdom ofChritt is confurnmate, when all the enemies are quite (wept away; wherefore thevoice that is given forth in this, faith itas done. Verfe i S. And there Were voices andThundrings, &a. There are three membersof thisfecond Event ; which is the execution of Gods judgement againa wickedReprobates; for firft we are taught by What things this judgementis executedin this verfe. Secondly rap- on what táings it is executed; verf. a 9,2o,Laftly what drat this judge- mentfhould have in refpeht of the Reprobates,verf, 2 s,The Lightnings Thunders, and voices (hall come from heaven the earth itPelf (hall be. moved,and (haken, wherebywe are taught, that bothheaven and earth ¡hall ecnipire togetherfor the punifhing of wicked men, both Wch (hall pour out whatfoever direfiall thing it hath, upon thewick- ed rout ; And that not after the vfitall manner of the former timis, but with an horrible terrour, fuch as never was the like from the creation acheworld :Tor now there (hall be A vifibte t,fteandre- few blan ce