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554 .1 elationoftine Apocalypfe. CAP,t6. femblance ofthat puniflament in Hell, which (hall in1'ite atlit after the lift judgement. Betides thrfe kindes of punifhment declare, that the enetnits are to be deflroyed rather by the extraordinary power ofGod himfelfe, then by any labour and endeavour of men, which is made more deer andmanifeff afterwards, Chapter and 2O.}. Verfe 19. Andthegreat City was divided intothree parts. This is the fecond member ofthefecondevent,fhewing againif what things this judgement (hall be exercifed, which are partlyplaces, partly men. The places are Cities and Nations. And they are three in this Verle ; Thegreat City, the Cities ofthe Nations, andthat great Ba- bylon. But what is thisgreat City ? We have heard above, that the City dothnot only fignifie Tome Town compaffed with walswhich Citizens do inhabit ingreat number , being Ioyned together among themfelves with the bonds ofthe fame lawes, and priviledges; but alto the wholejurifdidion and governmentoffome City , as the tenth part of Rome fell when Germany withdrew it felfe From the yoke ofher bondage, Chap. I I. t 3. What then, is this City here fpo- ken of the jurifditlion ofRome only ? So indeed it was called above the great City, Chap. r t .8. But Peeing the full and finali deffrue`lion ofall wicked men is fix- kenof in this place, (for thisViall is poured out upon the Aire,aswe have laid) it comprehends whatfoevi_r Dominion &Rule the ene- miesoFthe Church have in their hands any where in the world. It doth therefore containe in one compaffe the tyranny ofthe Turkes, which dothhelp tomake up this great City , together with the Ro- miJh Tyranny, as it doth better appear by the fpoyling ofthis City. For it is divided andbroken into threepieces, proportionably anfwe- ring to the three Princes, by whom it is governed, namely, theDra. gon, the Beafl, and thefalfe Prophet, as it is above, V. 13. wherefore by this tkreefolddiftribution, all the tyranny of the Turk] ndMaho- met, that is, of the Dragon, all the power rfthe Bea!, that is, ofthe mperourlike Prielh, all theauthority of the falfe Prophet, that is of thePope Balaam fall to the ground at once. For this man ofSinne is only remaining after the ruine ofhis Throne, being referved for this final' and difmall difcomfiture. The Former Viall was only a prepa- rationunto the war againfl them, this feventhbringeth their lafl and utter confuuon upon them. And the Cities ofthe Gentilesfell. Thus we have heard what flail we the doome of the Univerfall Empire ofthe wicked. But this fliall