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CAP .16. A Revelationofthe Apocalypfe. 555 £hall not only come tonaught ingeEierall, b t alfo all theCities and Provinces in feverall, that areconfederate together, belonging both to the Turk and Mahomet; as all() to the 'Pope. For the Gentiles arc all thofc that are enemies to the truth, whether they be fuck as are further eltranged from it ; as the barbarous Nations, or elfe fuck as have lime neerer acquaintance with it,andmake forceprofeflion ofit, as thePapifts, who are calledChriftians, but by a falfe name. For we have feen before , that the Court which tow next unto the Temple,wasgrantedunto the gentiles ; as alfo that theholy Citywas given them,which were the places of habitation to that company of Hypocrites, which boafted without caufeofthe vaine and counter- feit Title ofChriftians, Chap.' 1.2. And that great Babylon. The third place, which fhall perifh ut- terly,is that great Babylon. But it did not perifh before under thefifs Vial!, when Rome fell, that is, the Throne oftbe Beafh,V.17. For we have feen it called fo before. It isfallen,it isfallen,Babylon the great City, Chap,1 4.8. Rome indeed was ruinated before this, but this is new Rome,new Babylon; namely, Conftantinople.For every power- full, proud, idolatrous, bloody,and wicked City,may be called Ba- bylon, but Confanrinople efpecially , next after Rome ; as being the only Daughter and intire Heireofher Mother Rome ; fo that as the refeenbleih her in her conditions, and taketh them fromher by de- fcent , fo the took to h. r felf, name, beingcalled NewRome, and that worthily. And indeed it feemeth that G o D hath difpofed of matters to come in this order : fill , that all the forcesof the Turbe and 'Pope Should e vanqui{hed and d&toyed ; then that the Cities and Pro- vinces that are in league with them,(ifthey (hail not themfelves alto utterly perilla with them, yet) {hill at leaft come into the hands of new Lords and Commanders : Thirdly, that the Mother City it fell of theTurk!, th's New Babylon, fhould beFunifhed as her impiety j.uf ly deferved. And it maybe that the Wefterne ('hriJtians, after that thePores. name <Rt power fhalibe aboli(hed, and the Tierkfhall be difcomfited in the Eaft,will pour forth their anger upon r` onftantinople, & (hall by that incansexecute tli t judgement, whereofmention is made in this place. Out of wch thingsit may be now underftood, that all our enterprizes (hallbe to no purpofe undertaken againft theTurks:, till Rome Shall be thrownedowne. For this is fhe that hath brought in the