4. kvelationofthe Apeca1ypfe. .1.6. theiurke at firft, as we-have learned out ofthe , Chap, 20, ZI.Nei- ther (halt this fcourge be removed, till the caule thereof.be quite ta- ken away. But after that the Throne oftheReaf (hall be çonfumed with fire; and the litbattell agatnf} the Papias [hall bedifpatched, then (hall this horrible Tyrant be tumbled down into hell, without any labour ofours, neither is there any trouble to be,feared from any sifhis milerable remainders at any time. Came in remembrance before God. Now isthe cage alto mentio- ned ofthedeflru5 ionofthis Babylon of Conflantinople; and the pu- nifhtnent wherewith the (hail be affliéèed : that is,the remembrance ofGod,who is laid to remember both inmercy & judgement,when doth performe that indeed ,.,.which he hath decreed fhotiid be done. As long as he deferreth torwenge, and to punith,he feémeth to forget, and not to take any care ofour matters. The which thing doth very finely expreffe, that inhumanityofthis Babylon not tobe fpoken of; wherewithGod fuffereth the Chri(lions tobe oppreffed, when as he doth not puni(h the enemies in the meane time, nor fend the Chrifliansany meanes to defend themfelves from injuries. Who is there that cannot fee and would not fay that God ttirnuth away his eyesfrom beholding our miferies, when as he frtfers us to be k'lled, fpoyled, and vexed, with all kinde of reproaches, and indignities,to have our Virgins defloured, onr wives ravished, wholefo%ks ofour men to be bound and chained , and fo carried into bondage, tohave our infants plucked from , to be poyfoned with the blaf- phemous doctrines of Maho, ct, that to their parerts might know that they beget children to be damned for ever ?. Who is there I fay, who confidering of thefe and many more things, all which Idola- try bath brought upon Chrifi ians, would flick to fay, as bee may worthily, that God hath forgottenour mifery. He winketh there- fore at the finnes ofBabylon, that he may inforce her to tax loades ofcalamitiesone upon another on the necksofthof men, whowill not be bettered by any words and warnings, to learne repentance. But at laft when the impiety ofus Chriftians (hall ceafe , after that the (hop where it is mintedshall be burnt up and confumed,he !hall call his eyes againfi Babylon, and f'hall call to minde all her wickcd- neffe, that hce may meafure out unto her.condigne punifh- ment. But yet wemayobferve, that the HolyGhoft Both not aggravate the inid City oft his City, with fo many and fo vehement words, as he Both that of her ;,:other lio? ',5ec it :fc tb.. finnes of the H:athLnc, huwfoever