1'18 AReruelation ofthe Apocalypfe. CAP.17. and Ines were removed out of their places. Here they fhall be fo utterly abolifbed , that there ilia!' be no foot-steps thereof left handing. But an Ijie in this place, is not put only for the Land, which is compa(fed about on every fide with the Sea, but alfo for the Continent, after the manner of the Hebrewes, who give thename of ,fifes to all the countries that are beyond the Seas, Pfeil. 72. to. So the word Jflehere may contain Egypt and Africk,alfo. Verf. 2t. And there fell a great Hail about the Weight of a Talent. Thus far of the calamity that lhall befall places. As for nien, an Hailas big asa Talent should rain down upon them, as of old, 7ofua to. it. 4nd it came to paffe, that When they fled from before Ifrael, God threw down great Jones upon them from hea- ven, eu they Were in thegoing down to Beth-boron, untill Atekah, and they dyed; they Were more that died With the Hailftones, then they Whom the Children ofIfrael flew With the f.'ord. But herehe fpeaks ofHailftones ofan huge bigneffe, which should not only be able to kill men, but even to grinde them to duff alto, becaufe there was not fo horrible a vengeance ever feen or heard before to light upon men. And men llafphenod Clod. The area of all there things in re- gardof the Reprobates, is that they fhall Rill vomit out their blaf- phemie againft God. Here therefore (hall not the end ofall things he, at which time wicked men (hall fubfcribe to the Sentence of the Law with their füffrage, and (hall fay, Amen, acknowledge- ing that their damnation is moft juft, Dem. 27. 13, &c. But there (hall be force wicked men remainingRill upon earth,yet only to bear yokes,and to be like Gibeonits,feeing they (hall never be able to hurt the Church any longer, in the power whereof the Regiment of the whole. world (hall be. And thus we have a fhort and 4iftin& deli- neation ofall matters both that are prefenr,andthat fhalrbe unto the end ofthe World. 77 e f venteenth CHAP TER. OWN D. there came one of the leven Angels which A had thefeven Vials, and talked with me; laying into rrre come I will fhew thee the damnation of 7 the great whore that firteth upon many waters. a: Withwhom the Kings of the earth have commit- ted