CA T. 17. ''dRevelati66:ofthe Apocalypfe. 559 ted fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth are drun- ken with the wine of her fornication. 3. So hee carved mee away into the wilderneffe in the Spirit, and I law a woman fit upon a Skatlet coloured Beaft, full of names of blafphemie , which had feven heads and ten bornes. 4 And the woman was arrayed in Purple, and Skar- let, andgildediwith gold and precious Bones, and pearles, and had a cup of gold in her hand, full ofabominations, and filthinefï'e of herfornication. 5 And in her forehead was a namewritten, a Myfle- tie that great Babylon, that mother of whoredomes, and abominations of the earth. 6 And I law the woman drunken with the blood of the Saints and with the blood of the Martyrs of Jefus : and when I law hcr, I wondered with great marvell. 7 Then the Angell Paid unto wee wherefore mar- velleíf thou ? I will Phew thee the myfterie of the wo- man, and of that Beaff, that beareth her, which hath feven heads and ten homes. 8 The Bean that thou haft feene, was, and is not, and fhall afcend out of the bottomleffe pit , and (hall goe into perdition , and they that dwell on the earth fhall wonder (whore names are not written in the Book of Life, from the foundation of the world,) when they behold the Bcaft that was, and is not, and yet is. 9 Here is the minde that bath wifdome : the fe- ven heads are leven mountaincs, whereon the woman fitteth. io They are all (even Kings, five are fallen, one is, and another is not yet come : and when he fhall come, he muff continue a "fhort fpace. u And the Beaft which was, and is not, is even Bbbb z the