560 AQQeveation#? 14 ïcalyp e..Ca z . the eighth, and is one of thole féven, and goeth into de- ftruE}ion. tz And the ten homes which thou faweft, are ten Kings, which yet have not received a Kingdome, belt (hall receivepower as Kings one hour with the Beaft. 13 Thefe have one miede, and (hall give theirpower and authority to the Beak. 14. Thefe fhall fig,In with the Lamb, and the Lamb (hall overcome.them: -for he is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, and they that are on his fide, called, and chofen, and faithful'. 15 After bee Paid unto mee, the waters which thou faweft, where P,the whore ftteth, are people, and multi;- tudes, and nations, and tongues. 16 And the ten homes which thou faweft upon the Beaft, are they that fhall hate the whore, and shall make her defolate and naked, and (hall eat her Aefh, and burne her with fire. 17 For God path put in their heart to fulfill his Will, and to confent and give their Kiugdome to the Beaft un- till the words ofGod be fulfilled. 18 And the woman which thou faweft, is that great City, which raigneth over thc Kings ofthe earth. The Logical' Refolutionofit. ?ND that We have had the diflini?Trophecieofthe Taft period, . that bath been divided into his (even members , according to the manner that Was aged in the Seals, and Trumpets; Now fol- l,' eth the continued enarration, and the more large unfolding of the three lafl Via15, as which are ofgreatefl weight, and of fpeciall mo ment. The fifth of thefe is handled in this Chapter, as alfa through- o;rtt that Which followeth , and in the f rfi. five vertes, ofthe nine- teenth Chapter. The fixth is comprehended in the 15. verges next following of that 19. Chapter from the 20. verte. The féventh is continued through the 20. and 21. Chapters , and unto the fixt verge ofthe 22. Chapter, And from thence followeth the Conclufion of