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CAP. 7. A eitiaragf t1aë Aroca4pre. 56"t ofthe *bole -Book. it doth mach availe to make things cleare, that :firsfhould knout What things doagree in time and in the nature of the natter. As touching the lift Viall, it is *holy carried againß the Throne of the Beaft (as We have ferne above: Chapter 16. verf, ro, 11.) And the explanation of it confßs, partly in declaring What, and' of What kinde this Throne ts, throughout this Chapter, _partly in relating thole things, Which doe accompany the ruine thereof in the Chapter following, and in the beginning of the 19. The declaration of the Throne hath firft a preparation that dodo invite John to come and kilo* the damnation of the whore, verf, La. And that leads him away into the Wildernefe, to the end it might be the better known, verf.3. After that it containesa defcription of it, by a double Type, one of the Beaft , another of a magnificall, and moft beaftly woman that fitteth upon the Beaft, verf. 4. Of a Woman that is the mother of abhominations, verf. 5. Of one that is a killer of the Martyrs , verf. 6. The interpretation of Which things is illußrated by the occafion thereof , Which Iohns admiration gave, verf. 6, 7. And then it is propounded plainly, teaching What the Beaft is' firfl in refpeti of his whole Perlon, verf. 8. Where attention is rirred up, that fo this pointing of tis Beaft oat Jlould not paffe away Without fruit , verf. 9. Secondly in refpeil of his Parts , both his heads, verf. 9. to. 1 r. And his hornes , whofe Originall is declared, verf. 12. The obedience al- fo Which they fballgive unto the Reif, verf, t 3. rilnd their de- ftrudion that ¡ball be effeEled at laß by the Lambe, verf. 14. So much for the Beall. The interpretation of the woman, is firfi in refpell of her jurifdietion, both as it flouri[heth, verf. 15. As idle as it is brought to decay by the ten Homes as the inftruments, andby Gods will, as being the principal) caufe, verf. 16. 17, and after that in refpetl of her Pallace, verf. 18. THE EXPOSITION. TIlen there came one of the (evenangels, \\e laid in the Refol vino of this Chapter, that this continued explanation, which is contained in the Chapters following unto the Conclufion of the whole Booke is of' the three laß Vials onely; which how true it is, the matter it felfe will (flew. In the meane time it may be asked, why the explainingof the former Vials is omitted ? The reafon whereof feemeth to be this, beaufe thofe former were