5 6t AT« elation ofthe Apocalypfe. C A P. 1 J. were partly pail: and gone before, and partly they were prefent at the timewhen the Viall fhould be poured out upon the Throne; and that therefore they have no ncede of any larger opening, than either the ,frefh remembrance , or the prefent experience and Efate of matters yeelded; but as for the reft that were to come, they needed a more plentiful'l declaration , and for that caufe all the ref} of the labour is fpent upon that. Therefore as touching this one eel of the leven, it is that fift e.4ngell that fhould bring calamity upon the Throne, Chap.' Sao. Ofwhich calamity yet,the_rearecertainedegrees,fo that there are certaine light fprinklings ofpunifhments made by the helpe ofcertaine other Angels, before that this whole viall be .poured out by this. And yet all there are accounted and called this onefft Angel by a common name. Which thing appeareth out of this Chapter, which is wholy fpent in declaring the damnation ofthe whore, althoughher l all de- ftruetionbe referved to the next Chapter. Thefe things being thus laid down,let us now confider the matter it felfe. Firfl:, the Angell prepareth away for himfelfé to that _which he intendeth, both by inviting John to learn, as alto by carrying him over to that place, where hemight behold the whole matter moff fitly. He invitethhim, partly by calling upon him, and laying, Come hither; for that is the meaningofthe defective fpeech in the Greek (as if Iohn defired to underftand the matter, but yet went not the right way to finde it out. For to we are wont to call men back that are defirous to knowa matter andyet go affray, by (hewing them the right path to the place whither they are feeking to go but all in vaine;) partly by labouring to increafe his diligence in feeking, when he fheweth him the greatnef e of the matter; Paying, I wilt fbew thee the damnation of the great whore. Which damnation yet is not a prefent deftruc ionofher, bat that that is to come fhortly af- ter. And fo the word put for damnation fignifieth itedgement pro- perly, which being pronounced folemnly in this Chapter, fhould be executed a little after; but what Whore is this, whofe damnation he fpeakethof? We have never had any expreffe mention made of this Whore before now; and Yet file muft needes be well known, becaufe he calls ?ohn to know herdamnation,as being a thing that was fo ex- ceedingly wifhed for.Certainly this is that Icz.nbel,ofwhich we have heard in-the Church ofThyatira, that noble Harlot, that had laine lick inher bed of a long time, who is now for all that to be put to death, and to betumbledout ofthe window, lean fhe fhould dye of her