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,C Ä r.17. tTeve2ationofthe Apoealyple. 563 her difeafe,before (hedye of her puniíhmentChapter,a, a, o. This is that great Babylon that is fpoken of, vent. 5. of this Chap- ter. Which wehave heard was made famous for the mother of ftr- nications, and abhominittions ofthe earth, Chapter r,g. 8. Therefore this is no newWhore lately heard of but an oldand almoft withered bawd, containing within her felfe moft compendiously, whatfoever Sodom and Egypt fignified, as being the principal] without match ormate for both kindes of fornication both fpirituall and corporali, Chapter it. S. The (port defcriptionofwhich Whore the Angel giveth Iohnhere, to take a talle of ir, both in refpeet of the place where flit fits and keepes Chop, as alto in refped of thofe with whom flit hath playd the Harlot. Her feate is above many Waters, that is, many people, multitudes, nations, languages, as it is beneath, verf. 15. Wherefore the is no bafe Strumpet that will be hired for a dod- kin, but a Queane like a QL.leene for feate and pompe, worthily called Iez,abel , and a great Whore, being of fo large dominion : The Fornicators are the Kings of the Earth, who have contpired to commit the fame Idolatry with her;and they are focalled as well as íhe, by a moft ufuall Metaphor in the Scriptures, becaufe the Spirituall Adultery is equall,yea fitrpaldìng in filthineffe, and wic- kedneffe with the bodily, as whereby a man revolteth from the true Cod. And file is not onely naught with Kings, but alto with the rest ofthe inhabitants ofthe earth : Nobles, Earle!, Margareffet, Go- Rrernaurs of Cities (for the in her luft refufeth no man) and all theft loth the make drunk, With the .Wine of her Whoredom, by befotting them fowholywith her delightfome fuperftitions,that they being be- reaved utterly of all fenfe of true Religion, did fuffer a kinde of fencelefneffe, filch as drunkards didfuffer. Thefe few words might be enough toChewwho this Whore is, and what is the Throne of the Rea,. For is not Rome that great Whore ? Have we not already convinced her to be Iezabel ? dothJhe notfit 'spot many Waters?and , bath not Reme entced the Kingsand inhabitants of the earth unto Ido- latry With her cofening trieks ? There are none that can doubt of the ratter as the truth is, andnot partially. Notwithftanding that there might be no place left to the ad- verfari s , once to cavill , the Angel contenteth not himfelfe with fetting down thefe common markes to knowher by, but ma- king all this but as anentrance to the matter, he promiteth to give its more evident markes yet then thefe. For the words to be drunken Witl