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5'4 Á*pelation ófthe Ap;ocalyp,fe. C AP.17. With Wine is anHebrew kinde of fpeech, as, heare thou that art a{_ fined anddrunken, but not With Wine, Ffay, Chap ter 51. zx.Though the fame Prophet ufeth the fame phrafe elfewhere without the prepo- fition,as Cha.a9.9. As the Greek Interpreters tranflate it alto. Verf. 3. So he carriedme etWay. So much for Iohns invitement to come. Now John is carried away into aplace wherehe might behold the matter moil plainly, he is taken away into a depirt, anda Wilder- ne¡', But Evill forre fay, what needed he to go into any more folitary place, being now in Pathmos, and abiding there in banifhtnenr? /oh?: doth here beare the perfon ofthe faithful!, whole carrying away in- to a folitary place, fignifieth the event, for whichcaufe he did alfo land before upon the SeaJlware,Chap.12.18, Whereby we are taught that the manifefting of this Throne is to be fetched and taken by the faithful! from force men that keepe in anobfcureplace,as it were in a defárt and wildernefíe,whenceno fuch thing as this was looked for. For as the fi&CI light that gave knowledge ofChriíf did arife of old among a poople,that dwelt in darknes, andthat fate in theRegion andlhadoWofdeath, Mat. 4. 15. 16. So his counterfeit Vicar fhould in force fort refetnble our Lord as touching his Seaoc. Not but that he fhouldbe known before in part to the world, but that the wildernes fhould give a clearer light to knowhim by yet more fully, fo that he fhould fcarce endure to Tooke men in the face. We know that the whore hath hardned her forehead againewith- in there few yeares,but there fhall be a new ftrange reproach bcaíc uponher comming out of the defarr, bymeanes whereof the (hail be compelled to hide her face,unles perhapsfhe hath forgotten her leflòn ofbeing afhamed,andlearnt to blufh at nothing. And therfore let me firyou up my brethren to fet upon this Whore with a renewed and fretla affault; and let not any man be terrified,becaufe he is a man of no great note and name in the world: God tvill haveCome brightncs to be acknowledged in a man that is like obfcurity it fell. And Jet not any man marvel! from henceforth why Antichri f or the wore cannot be feen at Romewe mutt needs go into the wildernes,to finde her out. Pompe nod multitudes of people take away the fight of her from the Papitis. Ifthey delire to fee her clearly,let them get,rhem.- felves to that place, where onely they may fee her fully and freely. And If'W a Woman fittingupon a Scarlet colouredReaf. So much for the Preparation; now hefetteth upon the defcription,propwand ing a common Type, a Woman fitting upon a 73easf. Both which being joyned together doe give us the certaine and undoubted knowledge of