CAP.'''. dReyelationofthe Apoealyplc. 56s of the Throne, which is the onlypurpofeof the HolyGho& in this Chapter. Andyet in regardofthis more clear underftanding, a more plenti- fullknowledge ofthe Beaft will follow alfo neccítarily, whenonce his den (hall be lifted and fearched into. For the woman thewethus the Place, & befides the Beaft will teach us the time, when that place is to becounted the Throne,both which things are to be fearchtd in- to to know this matter. And indeed the Holy Ghoft dothmoll plain- ly lay opal both thefe points (as we fhall thew by his help) thereby meeting with the conveianceofthefefuitr as it wereofpurpofe, as whom he forcfaw in his mots wife providnc:, that they would keepe a brabiing about the time, when they were couvincee about the place. But he hathcut offall occafion ofwrangling from them , by this fo accurate a defcription. Therefore as touching this Woman, this fo expreffe nothingof her out in thisplaceby Babylon,by thefeven Hits, Kings,by her f ouri¡7'ingpower, and after that by her def > u5tia g, wh.n the rat of the world dial( be Banding whole, and laity by name ()fa City, which is givenher infteadofan interpretation,doth prove molt ftrongly,that theWhole City where theDevillreigneth is not here underttood by the woman, but Ernefngular City and by name Rome, and that fo mach therather, becaufe this Whore is'the Throne ofthe 7Seat ; and weknow that the throneofthe Devil was given to a certain City, that is to fay, to T i r{ra,mut, as we have fees above, Chap.z a ;. Bellarmixc therefore Both riot without caufe refufe that opinion, & lay, that it is better to underfiandRome by the Woman inLspas,- ment, asTertullian expounds it inhis book againit the Jewes,and in the; book againft Marcion, and as7erome expounds in his t7.Epia. toMare,& II epee. to Al afa. Bell in his s hooh,of the Pope ofReine, Chap 13. Herr thenwe have the advcrl:.ry hitnfèlfr confeffing that whichwe fay to becrue. What hindtreth then that we fhouldnot a- gree withthan about Antichrig. They have contrived cunningly a double Ranting-hole for themfelves to !cape the forceof thistplxce one taken from theplace,ano'her from the time. From theplace, be- caufe though Rome be the whore, yet it is not the Seat of Antichrift, but7erufalem:from the timr,becaufe Rome was theWhere,when the Heathen Emperors reigned,but it is not now,fince it was made Chri- ttian,and therefore that it is not the Seat ofAntichrif.But thePope- !lugs are catched in their owne fnares, for acknowledging Rome Cccc