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CAP .17. ,,?Roelatiomofthe Apocalyl eò 6i, up on high ? This thing will Leo confeffe to be doni (though I (Mould fay nothing) of it in his firft Sermon touching the birth day of the Apoftles, then when the Popes were in higheft authority,and Rome began tobe aloft through the opinion of herReligion.0Rome (faith he)that aremade the Headofthe World through the Holy Seeof S. Peter,thou rtileft more largely through divine Religion then tboroW any earthly dominion. For though thou haft enlarged the 'Prim iledge of thy Empire by land andSea,being amplifiedWith many vi$ories, yet that is leffe , which thou haft had /ubdued to thee by warlike labour then that Which Chrifian peace bath brought under thy power. So profper., Romt is thefeat of Peter, which in honour paftorall Ismade of the World head, What by the right Martiall She doth not pofejfe,yet thee By religion holdeth free. Therefore thisone common Type affoordeth us a neceffary argu- ment that Antichrifihath both his Scat and his Kingdom at Rome, which one argument wereenough to take away all controverfie, if mendid not love them felves better then the truth, and would never leave barking againli it,before their mouths were altogether (topped, wherefore the Holy Ghoft doth not here flay himfelf, but goeth on to othermore clear arguments, that they whom the morning light will not fuffice to make them fee the truth by ir, might have the Sun at noon day to their helper,if perhaps they will then be brought to fee it. The woman and her Beass that The fitteth on being thus declared, he doth afterwards come down to handleeach of them feverally; and firfl he cometh to the Beall , which is defcribed by his colour, his names of blafphemie, his headand his bornes. His colour is like Scarlet, being made red of a Scarlet die. Wherefore this Beaf, is hereby made honourable, as glittering with the fame colour that Kings Thine in,& he is made no leffewicked& bloody.For this fame colour is ufed to fat forth moli grievous fins. If your finnes Were as Scarletfaith .110, Chap. a. 8. Not onely becaufe it is a deep colour, that cannot bewafhedaway, but efpecially becaufe of their cruLlty iniheddingof blood , which [inne íeemeth to be moli horrible of Cccc z all