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568 Akvetatton ofthe Apocalypfe. CAP.r7. all the mil ; who feeth'not that this Beaft is at Rome,where the Pope fìtteth, whofe feete Kings kiffe, and who killethChrif'ians that will not acknowledge his Divine power, and that moll cruelly both in the City as alfo thorow the whole jurifd idionof Rowe ? It wasnot without caufe that this colour hath above the ref' pleaftd the Court of Rome, which was thus ordered indeed by Codsprovidence,that fo the Scarlet Fathers might givea vifible argument unto the world, that th;y are this Beaft, concerning which matter fee what rheod. Reza bath written ina moti ç lrganr Efrgrarnmc+. Secondly thin Beafi isfull of the names of blafphemy, how happy an encreafe is here made of an unhappy matter ? Erewhiles the heads didwhore the names of blafphemy,Chap. 13.1. Now the whole body is full of them. And indeed the Popes fupremacy was the chiefef' blafphemy in the beginning, and therefore it was meet to have the name ofblafphemy carried ou hishead, buttime did adde new blafphemies to this every day,the which grew daily by heapes, till at laft the matter came into the hands of the C'ounfèll of Trent, and to the MMIafers of cortroverjies, by whofe help the Beaft is now all covered over with molt detef'able errours ( the whole Sea of AoFfrine being turned by them intodeadly & filthy blood as hathbeen Said, Chap. 16.3. So that a man can fee no part of hiin free from ftrange andhofnbl: blafphetny.Let the indifferent judge confider of thofe io many and fo foul & fearfull erroursas Bellarurine defendeth in his three great volumes,and that with the allowance of the Pope, and then let him tell us with a goodconfclence,whether he findnot everyhair almoll ofthisbeaffttainedwith forne notoriousblafph, my. Thirdly, he bathfevenheads andten horns The meaning where- of 1hg11 be taught us out of the Interpretation of the Angel which he will bring ttraight wayes.In the mean time it may appear by this, that this Bee is the fame with that which wehave fern, Chap. 13. And that it isthe former of lhofe two. For the Second is laid to have tWo horns onely,in that I I.verfe ofthat Chapter.Here theHoly Ghofti maketh mentionbut of one Beall onely , becaufe both thofe there fpokenof, do make but one Antichrift, as we have fhewed on that forefaid Chapter, here allo hemrntioneth the former Beall onely, becaufe it is his purpofe to fet Antichrift intirely brfore cur eyes from his firf' beginning. H1lfe of whofe portraitureonly the ficond Beaft eid reprefent unto us : as alfo becaufe that now inchef latli times_wherein the Beaft fhould be fully laid open,the whore of Rome fhould rely more upon the civil! authorityof the Pope, whereof that former