CAP .17. ,rAkvel4tioxofthe Apocalypse. 569 former Beafit was a Type, then upon his fpiriruall power , which is reprefentedby the fecond. We fee at this day, that the Patrimony of Peter is ofmore force and eftimation withPapifls,rhen the doctrine of Paul, cf' which they make a vizard to cover their filthineffe with , and we fee also that neither , Spine , nor France , nor many whey people do care a rufh for Rome, butoaely fo far forth as themay ferve to advance and advantage them by hr authority. No man is ignorant, that Italy huhnow for a long timedefpifed her at her owndoors, whereas it can endure tohave her worthipped by forraigne nations likea God. For thole caufcs therefore is theformer Beaft fpoken of onely in this Chapter. Francis de Ribera the ?efuire,labours to prove that this Beafir here fpoken of, is not either of thofe which are defcribed in the 13. Chapter, but fome hewone that was now firft of all feen of john. And why fo I pray you ? becaufe faith he there is no article prefixed before the t'ornan,or the Beaf},as it is wont to be done inmatters that be well known.Indeed it is certain that if he fhould conclude hence touching a new reprefentationwherein they do now appear firft of all,that which he faith fhould beof fomemoment, but Peeing hega- thereth,that neither of themwasfimly and abfolutely extant before this,and that from hence, becaufe they appeared not in this forme before, which is the onely thing, that the want of the article re- fpecieth, he dealeth either foolifhly or fraudulently after thefafhion of Jefujr es. For fo we readeelfewhere,Ilooked (faithJohn)and be- hold /#Iambgoodon Mount Sion, Chap. 14 I. Where the Article is wanting alto. What then is this a new a new Lamb ? if one fhould call ita new reprefentationof him that Bands upon Mount Sion,ac- companiedwith an hundred andfourty foure thoufand, he. fhould not fay any thing difigreeing from the truth, but it is the fame Lamb in- detd,of which there was mention made before, Chapter. S. After the fame manner,here is a new portraiture brought in, but not of a new petfon, as it isclear by the Woman whichbeing called the Whore in the firft verfehad the etficacy of the articles whichdid flew that he fpeakes of the old whore. But now the fame Woman: wants thole articles, when fhe cometh forthwith a new attire that was not feen before. The woman therefore is the fame with the Whore,and this the fame Beal yL ch was fpokenof inthe t 3.Chapter, having the fame Sea,blafphemy, head, ,horns, worfhip among men, that (hall have the fame eternal!deftruttion alto as he is the coule ofit to others, and he pertaketh with him in all his properties , fave that fome