;i1Revelation ofthe Apocalypfe. CAP.17. force of thefe fhould be more encreafed now in proceffe of time, an i all ofthem fhould be more in theviewof the world under this fifth Vial /, then they wereat firfl when he (prang up. For now ke appearcth full of blafphemy,which did onely take holdofhisheadbe- fore.Nowwas thatformer Beat Antichrifl,and (hall not this be he, that is moreblafphemous ? Whofe admirers alto be reprobates no leffe then they that admire theformer Beau? What advantage there- fore getteth the Iefuite, if when he hath fent the former Beafi packing to Ierufalem , he (hall leave this at Rome, that is farre more pernicious ? Verf 4. And theWomanWac grayed in purple andfcarlet. So much ofthe Beau nowhe(hewed' of what fafhion the woman is, whom we (hailfee to befet forth mo(i magnifically.Touching which matter Tertullinn fpeakes well,She that deferved to be called aWhore by our Lord isfetforth as it Were With an habitfit for fuch aname. Shefit- teth inpurple,withfcarlet,andgold andprecious f ones,whieb are cur- fedthings ,without which,a curfèd andcommon whore couldnot be de- fcribed. Thefe thingsfaith he,but perhaps a little too feverely, inhis Bookofthe attire of women.Thewomansattire here isindeed royal' and triumphall, fuch as Baltafar promifed to them that could reade the hand writing,he(hall be(faith he)clothed withpurple,With a gold chaine about his necke,andhe /hall be the third ruler in this Kingdom, Dan, 5.7. So that this is an habit fit for her that hath rule over the Kings or the earth,as it is beneath,verf. i 8,I but purple were enough to declere hersdign:ty ? To what end is Scarlet alfo added ? That ha- notorious cruelty that is joyned withher pride mightbe noted out. She is ofthe fame dilpofition that the Bcaf1 isof, which is like to the Dragon, who is red with the flaughter of the faithful', Chap. i a 3 . There are many cities that are made famous in Hifiories for notable cruelty , but the dwelling place of Antichrifl- muff therewith all flouri(h afwedl with Soveraignity in the higheft degree, that fo it might beknowneevidently and difcerned from all other Cities. Inboth which refpeas, the Iefuits themfelves cannot deny, that Rome beareth away theprize. But to both thefe,Gold,precioeu fitones,andPearls areadded,which beides her Majefty,do declare her moft excellive riot and prodiga- lity which is another marke to know this woman by. And indeed, whocan reckon np the infinite expences that this City is at, in buil- dingand maintaining, Temples, Theatres Perches, .8athes,Palaccs, Broches in form of a Pyramis, Statues, triumphall Arches,private houfcs,