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CAP .17. A velition oftih- Apocalypfe. hotsres,and the reft of the ornaments thereof ? The glory of"all the world is heaped up together upon this one City, which was taken away by fpoil from many other, to let go matters of old , what ara infinite fumme of money did S'ixtus the fift lay out of late upon a Conduite, which hebuilt upon the Quirinal the yeer 1588. It is reported, that two hundred and tkhreefcare thoufand Groynes were (pent upon this matter.And it wasno necelfity that did wring this charge from the Pope,but it was done for his pleafure onely,that he might keep more pleafantly on that hill in the frrmmer time. The Vatican Library that was repaired by the fame Pope, did perhaps Rand him in little leffç-,yet the fame man brought in fifty hundred thoufandcrownes of Gold into the new treafury, which he built oo S. Angelos tale, that fo wemight know that the Pope was not yet brought tobreggery. But yet this 5-0/d and thefe precious Stones,feem not onely to ferve to nourifh exceffe and riot, for Rome was farremore prodigall and wealthy in ancient dayes, then it is at this day , and to what end fhould henow upbraide her with her immoderate Pride, and pomp, of which he laidnothing, when as fhe exceeded this by many de- grees? But rather thefe things are notes to know whole wealth fhe fhould relie on for maintenanceof h r eftate in thefe laíi dayes : for we (hall fee beneath, Chap. 18.22. That Purple, Scarlet, Gold,preci- ousftones, and Pearles are among thofe waresof Merchandize, by which Spaine is fignified.Wherefore this decking of the Woman may ferve to that purpofe, that it may Phew that Rome fhould bragge and reliemolt of and upon the Spaniards aid,at the time when this Vigil fhouldbe poured upon the Throne.Otherwife the Holy Ghof would have mentioned former Ages,when her attire was more fumptuous, and curious. And is not Spaine now at thisday the chiefproppe to uphold toterin4 Rome, as it hath been ever lince Charles the fifì ? If any man be ignorant hereof, let him know at length , that the matter Rands fo, and that by the tefiimony of Clement the 8. who is l'ope and `Pilot of the Church ofRome at this day , who being to create force newCardinals of late in the yeer 1596. did prorelt be- fore, in thismanner that although he made this creationof himfelf by his oWn proper motion,yet hecouldnot deny to do this office to the King of Spaine,to createfome Spani¡h Cardinals also, becaufehe is the prop of the Catholilce Religion,who ought not to have ro muchdenyed unto him now in thisdecrepit old Ageofhâs,but hefbould rather begratified andfatisfied in this neatter,as Janfonius relates in his Italian Hiforie. This. 57.', ; .