5.71 ITpelationofthe ApoCalypfc. CAP .17. This thin is the tesfon ofthis arraying. the worm that is proper to this titne,whichyoi, t marvellcth at for the neweffe of it,bcneath, Verfe 6. She had a goldencup inher hand. Now is her ugly fifthinefTe laid open, which is double, the one is, that the ufeth towardschofe men that be well known of her, and of fpeciall note and worth ; whom the doth as it wepe (peak unto by name, and reach.th them the Cup ofher fornication,theother pertaines to thofethat the knoweth not,whom thealureth by hernaine that is written inher forehead,in the next verte. For the is defirous that none fhould fcapeher tours. She commethforthwith acup, as with an inhument fit for the ful- filling of her lu[f , even as ofold every one did openly bear in his hand at Rome , the badge of that art whichhe profcfled. For the Holy Ghofi hath recorded her wine offornicationnow already, and drunkcnnefleand gluttony are tnofi fit bellowes to airup filthy lull. Whence it is that theHarlot in Salomons 'Proverbr 7.14. Telleth the Youngmanofher dainties which /lie loath readyfor him.This cup there- fore the hack in her hand, reached forth to the renowned Kings and Princcs,to whom the fends Cardinals,7efuits,aod other unclean Spi- ritsof that kind in anibafl`ages,to draw them unto and to retain them in the fellowfhip of her Romsfb idolatry. In which point the molt ardent diligence ofRoane is known to all men , who fpareth for no labour ofcot, fo the may inveagle thefe men to commit this detcffa- ble whotedome with her. Which that the in iy the better doe, the Cup is golden, very precious abroad, and in the eflicuar'onof men, the Romilh impiety, beingcommended with all pompeofwords,for the content it hath, for multitude, antiquity, perpetual!fuccefon, the very Chaire of `Peter,and fuck goodly coloursas thefe to vaunith her over with, that fo the might teemmore p ecious then any Cold to fimple people,andmight by that mcanes deceive them. But chis Cup isfull ofabominations, andfilthy fornication with it, that is, if her do- L nine be tzyed, examined, and ripped up to thequick, nothing is fo filthy, but this cloth furpaffe it in foule and loathfome fihhineffe. For to theend the Hvey Ghost might expreffe the unfpeakable filthineffe thereof,hebath made choice ofinch akindofnatty matter, as that= will not (Wier a Ilan to name. In one word this whore isof the kinds of thofe men , who are called Bcr6orit4 oftheir miry filthi- nefle, whomEphanius & oecnmenirsa in Tenario one Iuda fpakeof. Vet le 5. eíind in her forehead Wat a name written a Myflery. Another kinde of filthinefíe is that whereby Ihre b:areth her name