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C A P. r7. .rl 1ervelation o f the Apocalypre. 57.3 .name upon herforehead moll impudently, and proclaimes that the is a common Harlot. She would have no manpaffe byher unknown and uncalled on,but would have men know by the Title where they may turn in to aHarlot. It canhardly be exprcflcdof whatmonftrous luit thofe littlefacring andfaunceBels of the Brothel- houfes were Instru- ments, which this fame whore ofRome did ufe ofold, which Socrates recorded], Bool` S.chap. r S. But this name Writtengoeth beyond that impudencie : Lor they were fometimes filent, and they fuffered the feules to take fume refpite from the filthy interrupter and difturber ofmen ; this Title giveth no reft to the eyes, alwayes. running into them, and folliciting men unto filthineffe. She doth not then think it enough to declare her p roteMon by her habite, unlefi'e fhe do alto carry this cognizance on herforehead, that fo this Ivie bulb night make her Wine falcable. Impudencie ! Harlots wereofold covered with a vail, and doeft thou boaft of thy filthineffe with an open fore- head,and a Title written upon it ? Lout what is this name ? Not this word Myfterie, as it feemeth ; for Areta s joyned itWith the Verb (Written) without any note ofdiftinCtion, after this manner : and upon her foreheadJhe hada name Written, MyfBrie, the great Baby- lon, &c. As if MyJterie were the Subftantive for theAdjeetive, full of myfticall matter, as if it were faid, and upon her forehead there was amyfticallname written, Babylon, &c. Certainly the conftruftion requireth, that fumeNoune being joyned with another without an Article,fhould fupply the place of that which the Logicians calls Pre- dication, thus, and 'Tice had a name written in her forehead, which is a A'Iyfteric. Out ofwhich it doth appear,thatmyfterie is not to be written with a great Pd! in the beginning ; as if it were a part of the name, and of the cognizance of the whore fet on her forehead, but that it is to be read joyntly with thofe things that goe before the name. But the meaning ()fit is all one, however it be let, teachingus, that fome recree lurketh in this name,which is to be interpreted other- wife,then it is commonly taken for,and maketh thew of. 'Wherefore the name written on the forehead, is the whole connexionof thefe words ; That great Babylon, that Mother of Fornication, and abomi- nations ofthe earth. But (may fame fay) there is noCity that doth boaft of her felf to be fuch an one in expreffe words; Neither Both the Holy Ghoft fay fo,but he teacheth,thatthis is her true name,which Iohae law written on her forehead in fomany Letters and Syllables, Mowfoever it is,the true Babylon fbould have a name written on her, Dd d d which