CA P. 17. ARevelationofthe Apocalyple 575 But let it be fome thing to come, arid admit that the Tope fhall be driven thence, and that all impiety (hall openly rage and raunge abroad there,which thou mull needs confeffe (O Ribers !) Where then flail this myfteriebe ? Who is there that cannot perceive excef- five wickedneffe joyned with the like impudencie ? That therefore which you feign is quite contrary to all likelihood of truth. This Ba- bylon is that Rome, which fhould deceive her followers with a (hew of piety,which fhould be called the Holy City ,andC1iould poifeffe the Court of the 7emple,as it is, Chip, t I. i, z. whichPhew, unleffe it did now gull anddelude you (OPapifis) I could not fo well know her to be Babylon,but your peeviihneffe, whether it be upon knowledge,or ignorance, brings moll evident credit to this Prophetic. Let us then take that from licnce,which the words do giveus,and let us conclude that theyvhore, neither Both, nor fhal! wage openwar againft Chrift, but that Che doth and flail oppugn him clofely and privily by a My- ,(>terie, The which thing, what force it hath to finde out Antichrift, we íhall fee afterwards: Verf. 6. AndIfaW the Womandrunken With blood. The third pro= perry is her notable cruelty, in that nice doth wholly overflowwith the blood ofMarlys. Yea,this is fhe that killed our Lord Iefus, as it is above,Ci:ap.i i.e. So that it is hard to fay,howmuch Chriftian blood the wicked Emperors shed, after that there was made an onfet to their cruelty from thence. What llaugther foever was made through the whole world almo4,that proceeded either from the Edit}, or the .provoking and allowance of this City. It cannot be exprefled how many and great wars the horrible Popes have furred up in the Ages followrng,who havefet all the Kingsof Europeby the cares together. And betides the maf acres that were made by publique wars, how many holy men have loft their lives, becaufe they and Rome could not jump together in one minde ? For which caufe they were pro- fcribed for Heretignes, and were confirmed with the tormenting ,flames offire. It treacles in the fame f}eps at this day; as it appeareth by that execution which it made lately in the yeer 1595. upon a cer- tain Entlifh man for(triking to the ground their facaa'igious facrifice ofthe ./lltar,out of the hands of the Arch-Bifhop ofAmbronenfis. For after they had cut offhis right hand, andhad fcorched therent ofhis .body in fundry places, with burning torches, while Pee was dragged through the City by his executioners, at laft they burnt him alive over againft the Capitol!. At length behold (0 yce Englifh men!) whither it is that yee Dddd s fly