576 4 Tervelation oftheAp ocalypfe. C A P. 17. fly over for whatfoever cattle ; namely, to that place, where fo great impiety raigneth, that if fo be that yee have any feed ofElea:ion re- maining in you, .youwill chute rather 'to die a thoufand deaths, then to give any toleration to it with your filence. is not the fame Rome the forge of Rebellions, and the!laaghter- houfe of Chriftian Princes at this day ? Certainly this Councel that is made of company ofFuries, doth firft decree the killingofprin- ces, and then it fends out the Iefitites underhand, that area crue of cut-throats and povfoning Villains, who do bring their ivicked dè- crees into execution, by any means they can devife. it were an endlef e labour, to go though all thy butcheries, O Rome! Thou art drunk indeed with blood,tumbling thy felfin thine own furfer,which thou half parbraked with excef ivequaffing of blood. Now therefore all thefe common properties being joyned toge- ther, do (hew unto us fuch an whoreas this ; namel', one that is in_ creafed and fuffained by the Beafl, one that is Prince-Of, rich, gliffe- ring,thatgreat Mother City andfpiritualtBabylon, the 'Princeffeof allfuperftitions, yet one that doth deceive men cunningly with her juggling fleights; and laf}ly,a cruell1Zillcr ofthe Martyrr. All which, if they can be found no where elfe together, but in Rome alone, let us take notice ofthe City that is to be condemned, and let every one take heed in time, howhe have any fociety with her, left that he pe- riih together with her in her deftrucftion, that is now fhortlycor- ing upon her. And I marvelled. Thus far of the Typical! defcription. Now he paflethover to the Interpretationof it, the occafion whereof is fet down in thefe words : But how is it that Iohn marvelleth; where- as this is the propertyofeurfed men, beneath in the 18. verfe. This marvelling is full of indignation, becaule of that fo great felicity of the wicked Harlot, whole juif deftruc&;ion fhould have been Peen in her Frft conception, or at leaff, when (hee was in her Cradle. But as for wicked men,they admire her with a kinde of'worfhipping of her, out ofan opinion of a certain excellencie ofhers, even as they are faid to marvell after the Be4ff, Chap. 13. 3 But was he ignorant ofthe Beall, which he law, Chap. 13 ? No fuch matter ; Neither is he Paid to admire the 73eaf1 alone, but as hee was joyned with the woman, both which he had not beheld before in this new portraiture, and ths letting out of them in fo full and complete manner, And who is there that would not be aftonifhed to fee, that the Throne