58o A e-vedatíon ofthe Apocalypíe, C P.i7. .great Antichrifl,whom we 'ought all of its to'flye from and to ab- hor,and to with and work him deftrutionwith all our might. Ifany man thinke that theBeaft cannot be known before his laft difmall doomefday (which is to knowhimwo late) let himobferve,how the Angel [byes himfelfe in the third Article in the end of the verfe, faying;fèeing the Beall which was, and was not, andyet is, wherebyhe teachech us, that there may be certaine knowledge hadof him at the time of the third change. And the inhabitants of theearth Ball marvel. Namely by giving all honour and obedienceunto him, being dazled with the glilring [hew ofhis falte dignity, which was called before, marvelling after the Beall, chap.' 3.3. And yet leaft we fhould thinkthat all men are tobe carried headlong into this damnable fin of honouring the Beall, he reckoneth up the inhabitants ofthe earthonely among this crue, namely the Citizens of the counterfeit Church, whofe names arenot Written in the Bootie of life. Now therefore confider in Godsname, (O ye followers and favourersof the Pope and Popery) how much it concernes you to try what ye can do, to cleare your Tope from ha- ving any affinity with the Beall ? For if he be found to be covered in his skin, (which this Chapter will make clearer, than the light at noone day) yon are utterly undone all the fort of you, unleffe you will flye from him, and avoid all contorting with him affoone as may be. I befeech you, as you tender your own Salvation, lay afide all hatred, prejudice, and bitterneffe of affeéìions, and then weigh th:2 matter with me in equal! ballances. The matter is great that you and we (land upon and deale in, either the winning or lofing of eternall life. llo ye not fee the Pope and the Beafl to treade in the fame íteps continually hitherto ? Marke the things that follow after, we (hall finde both ofthem ítill go on together in the fame tracke, which the Holy Chofl hath chalked out, and that hand in hand, and with equal! paces. But it may be you will cry our, that this is a new interpreta- tion. But do not offer to binde theHoly Chofltobe at your com- mand and pleafure. It is he that forteth out the meafure of know- ledge to every time, according to his own goodwill, and that molt wifely. Confider rather the content of the wholeProphecy, which will give moft plaine and evident proofeof its own authority and cer- tainty;and.count that to be moft ancient, which ye (hall finde to be Mod true. Why do you suffer your felves tobe deceived with the name