517, - /. gta i oof e Apmiypre. C A P.17. ifyou (hall callaway your foules for ever ? What infamy can be greater, then to be enrolled among the heard ofÇoates that are to be awarded into everlafing'fire ? Oh who is there that may not think himfelf efteemed and honoured enough, that is numbred a- inongthe Sáiht.tâNd sSons of Clod? Confider of thefe and the like things I befeéch you, and do not think it a light matter to fo; fak the trrie God, and to make a league of amity and fellowfhip with the Dived himfelj Behold alto you that harbour Iefnites and Pi iofls fo gladly in your houfes, what pehilent Vipers you nourifh in your boforns. Whatfoever he is that would reconcile you to the Pope, and fo would make you to behis confederates, he goeth about certainly to tumble you into the bottomleffe Pit of Hell: Whereof the Pope is the eArngell, King, and Key-bearer, whole name is therefore Called in all tongues Deftrojer, yea drf ruliionit felf, as 1N"e have heard before, Chap. 9. a t. And this name doth nota- bly agree with that name, the Son of Perdition, which is given him, 2 Thefl.2.3. How wretched a conrfe is it to feek to looketer- nal l life without all peradventures, and that to avoide an uncertain danger in this life ? Donot ìneafúre and 1waigh the matter any longer which is of filch importance and ceniec11 ence, rather by the Icfuites coloured lies, then by the perfec`I igtiare of the truth it felf which is fo manifeft. Neither be foobftinate, as to deÇpifc my counfell and advice. -I am an adwerfary onely to your errours, I Claire from ruy heart to have your perfons faved by yefoee Chri /1. Examine what I fay, I delire to be beleeved uponno other condition And if upon triall you finde matters tobe fo forcertain as I fay, then take no- tice of the fubtill ferpentine fophiffry of the lefuites threft out from au ongyou thele hellifh furies, curfethere detiftablee and pe- ftifirous fellowes,,and all the brood of them to the Pit of Hell, be- holdyour'own"dange'r, and ifyou have any care of your Salvation, at length and at lift be wife and well advifed. From thefcwndationofthe World. So before the eternall decree touching thedeathof Chrift , and touching the force and efficacy ¡hereofwas fignifiedby thefe words, Chap. 13. S. Now the fame kinde of(peaking noteth out the Eternal/ E'lcIlion ofthofe that (hall be faved,which two things are molt needy jóyned together. Seeing the'Beaft Which Wau,andwhich is not, and yet is. There Ian 'ivords,andyet ú,feem to be read thus,andhe is prefent. Thedifference ofthe readings is,that the words of the common reading lignifie un- to