CAP 17. +4 otioti of i,Ec w4 pfe. 1 to tu,that theB,64 wasremaining alive in, that çlifcotrtfiture whichht fuffred;as ifit w re faid,althougb he be not.extant in the opinion of men,yet he is,an4 fifi ót-h theflagrn ;e;rs are referred todie fatn.e time, as before Iohn faw one of the heads bounded ásit Were is yt deadly maxner,which yet was pot quite cut offand .killed, Chap.,' 3. 3.The other reading noteth out the third time more manifely,whereinthe Beaft fhould revive again after the calamity which light on him was pafíed over,whichAreta,s, Çomplste,.fir andother books do plainly difl:inguifh, who reade it:tbusw. #e he JZ' 4t kw forth coming, and fo Primafuu, he'hall consc,or he is to carne. Yet that formerreading of Theod.Bex,a, may carry this fame meaning alfo. Though the Bcaft was not erewhiles in n ens,opinion, yet And fo the words are to he,taken in this fence., that they may :have reference to the Beaft as he cometh forthofhis Calamity , not as helieth Hill n:iz For they,anfwer to tlte;thirçtartjclei and he fl,'all rife up orarof the deep,as it is evident by the fatsof the men that admire theBeaft, who would never honour him as he lieth forlorn and perplexed, ( which yet they muf needs do,if tl,cfewords did refpec4 the fame time with the words ofthe - member, ant goeth next before. ) nut as he recoverethhis dignityagain beyond all expectation of men,and that inmore ample nianner,t.hen he had it: before,as irhap- ned unto him inhis,tbjrdLChange,.,after he was hea.lesi.ofhís.wound, Chap. 13.3. Wherefore the vulgar Latine reading; is faulty, that ,paffeth by this third rnember, to.admirethv.Beajt;,when he is not, which is cpncrary to the truth of the. matter: Sedes it is plain, that it is not robe read in the future cenfe,.but in the 'ardent, becaufe,merxdo not_admirehis dignitythatíhalbe;but that which they behold prefently. Out ofwhich we maygather,what kinde ofadrns- rfngoftheBeai it is,thatis. an evident nark oíaReprobate in a fpe- ciallmanner;, namely that whereby men honour the Beaft that gat life again after h had taken a; deadly-.fóil,which is thefecendBeaft,C. ..r 3,I t . Till that time, the Beaft was,not fo defperately impious, but that he might deceive the Saints eafily;but he cameafterwards to that heigh ofwickednefs,that.they muff needs:be.exiled from hods King_ .dom,who do acknowledgehim to be filch ashe proftlï'etti ,himfelf to be, by.admiringand applauding, theAngel dothnot ;go onto reckon uphis diverfe eftate, beyond this third Article , he fheweth thereby that he fhould be openly known.tothe world, be- fore his tail end fhould"come. V,erf.9. Here,t . #he;rnii dca :Hitherto we have had the interpretation Eeee a of