CAP.17. A$ evelation of the Apocalypfe. 5 67 tien. But that we may not thinke that thofefevers Kings arc taken Synechdochially, where are the ten Kings that arofe together with New ? Thefe muff needs fubfft together with the feaventh head, as it%Iloweth in the 12. werfe ; or howcould the Beafl feeme not tobe when Nerva was dead,fpecially feeing he had adopted Traiane before his death ? Or what caufe is there why they were more re- probates that admired and honauredTrai.1ne,then they that admired the former kings ? For fo ftands the eftateof the feventh head, that the vorfhippers there ofare moll fpeciall Reprobates , as we have feene above, vet{. 8. Many fuch things as thefe will not fuller , Come fingular men to be underftood by thefe heads here. To thefe we may adde, the manner offpeaking here ufed,which is fuch, that it (hew- eth the Icings to be the heads of the City , as long as the Hils be. Otherwife both the Hils and the kings were heads for force fhort time perhaps,but they neither were, nor fhouldbe heads for a farre longer time,ifthere were a divorce made between the heads, which theHoly Ghoft joyneth together,feeing the Hils onely fhould re- maine,when the Kings were gone. The Kings therefore, howfoever they did not all fubfift together,as the Hils did, fhall be called by the name of the heads ofRomeforas Jong a time,as the Hils. But concer- ning the perfonofthis durable King, the time of his raign{hall yeeld ns a denonftration who he is, verf.j r. But if the Kings be kinds of governmcnt,which be their kinds ? Ribera the lefuite beingprivy to his bad caufe,and knowing that.this matter could not be fo gently touched,but that their botch would be grieved at the fame time, fly - eth to the fevers eA es ofthe World ; the firft whereofhe makes to be from Adam to Noah. The fecondfrom Noah to Abraham. The third unto ,David,the fourth to the captivityof Babylon, the fift to the comming ofour Lord, the firth from thence to the comming of Anti- chrig, the feventh from him to the day of lodgement. Which acute invention ofhis makes me remember that fayingofHorace the Poet ; Ifa Painter faith he) Would ioynea Mares ¡boulder to a mans head., andWould then:paint, onall kinds d- coloursoffeathers, &c.conld thebc- holders hereofkeepthemfclves from laughingat this uglyfooltfbpicture. Certainly the Iefisitepaflèth this Painter in folly , who bath made a head that may be alike let upon the {boulders ofall and every City in the whole world.The HolyGhofß intends to deliver.a certain mark to aknow theThrone ofthe Beaft by ; The Iefuite like an old crafty Lap- wing,keeps a pittifull noyfe, in any place rather.then where the neft is, that fo..he might call men away from the neft,I.know not whether. But