588 A cervelation ofthe Apoca1ypfe.' C .& P. 17, But underftand (O Ribero ) that the fever Hils belong to Rome alone, and that thefe fevers Kings belong to thefame City, to Which the Fiils appertain, For theheads areboth the mountaines, and the Kings, and therefore that thefefever Kings belong to Rome onely ; And fo we will cafe thee ofa great labour in fearching out Antichrift, and wil make thceknowby a molk certain argument,that he is tobefound at Romefor finding ofwhom out,thou haft compaffed all the world to and fro,but all in vaine. But what do I fpending good time invaine, to confute the toyes and devices of thine, which yet I could not paáe by altogether , but that I mutt needs by this Height touching ofthem, at leaft warn the Papif{s, not fuffer themfelves to be abufed, any longer the with fooleries of the Iefuits. The matter it felfe Rands thus:Thefe Re- giments are proper to that City, to which the hils belong, and they are thofefeven forms ofgovernment, by which this City is no lefle fa- moufly known,thenby her fegen hits. Now Cornelius Tacitur , the Hiftory writer, numbreth up thefe Regiments in the beginning of his HiRory, and that in this manner; Kings were the firlt that did poffeffe and govern the City ofRoome,Lucius Brutus letup& brought in liberty with the Conful,/bip. The Diaators abfolute authoritywas taken up for a certain fhort nme;and the power ofthe /ten men tailed not above twoyears,neither yet did the Conful-like Authority ofthe 7ribunes,Rand long in force,&c. Thepower ofPompey and Cra ,us, turn: d foon to the makingof a Cafpr. In which words he teacheth clearly that there had been fix kinds ofgovernment in force atRome, from the firft building ofthe City ,untohis age; namely, Kings, Con- fuls,Dillators,Decemvirs,Tribunes,Emperors. The feventh,whichis of thePopes was not known ofhim,as being dead before he could fee it. Five have fallen. That is,Kings, Confuls,Ditlators,Decenmvirs,Tri - bnnes,fór thefe kinds ofgovernment werequite ceafed and vanifhed awaybefore Johns time. One is, that is,the fixthkindofgovernment is by Emperours , in whofe power the fway ofthe world was,while John lived. Andanother is not yet come, that is, the-Tope , the feventh King, who was not the Governour of Rome .aSyet,while the ApoRle was living. And the Adjective that ferveth to note order, is very materi- all ; for he faithnot, thefeventh id notyst come,but,another,or, the o- ther is not yet come,intimating thereby;that this feventh fhould beof a farre diveffe nature from all the former Kin s All thefe were Civili Governoterr, the feventh fheuld be a fpiri- mall