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590 Iry elation of the Apocalypfe. CAP.17. the eighth, and one of thole feverr. Where we mutt obferve, that the feventh King hath the name of the whole given him by himfelf, and is called that Beaf4, whereof there was a defcription made in the eighth verle, by four interchangeable courfes oftimes. For all thofe changes are proper to him alone ; whereupon the Holy Ghoft doth now immediately after the fecond changeof the Beaft whereof hee fpake in the former verle, fet down his double condition in the very words, whereinhe was firft defcribed, thereby hewing, that thofè words, And *hen he is come,he mtef corstins e butfor a fbart time, are all one with thole, the Beaft *hich Was, and is not. Even he is the eighth. Namely,King.For this eighth dothnot agree with the word put for the Beale in his Gender ; The vulgar Latir, tranflates the words untowardly, he is the eighth Beaft : For there are not eightBeafts,but eight Kings,the feventhof *hichis theBeall. The Relative Pronoune (he) feemethtobe a Demonf rative one, as it is often put for one; he is the eighth King, that is, the Beat is that eighth Icing. Thewhole foregoing number alfo-of the féntence, makes the No- minative cafe that governeththe Verb (is) as if he fhóuld fay, now the Beall whowas, and is not, is both that eighth King, and is one of thofe (even. Thiseighth King is the fame Tope,after hehad recovered his dignity from from that difcomfitu,re, which the Barbarians brought upon him,when his Wounded beadwas healed,as it is,Chap. a 3. 9.Orwhen he that is not,did rife up out of the Deep,as it is,verl8.of this Chapeen; Or when the fecond beaft did arife up our of the earth, as it is, Chap. 13. t i, when Gregory the fecond, and his next fuccef- fours did plunge up again, and got aloft by the help of their two hornet, Pipinus and Charles the Great: For we have Chewed before, that all thefe things belong to that third change.. But nowwhence cometh this eighthKing ? What, bath the beaft eight heads now, which were (even only 'a little before ?' Nofuchmatter, but this eighth is the fame with the fe- venth, that hath the fame difpofotion, manners, regiment, whereup- on it is prefently added, andhe is one of there feven,only he is one that paffeth the feventh in impiety, blafphemie, facriledge. The Topes Were not fo wicked in their-firft original' prefently after Conf fantine, as they were after Photos; But more and leffe do not diifinguith the kinde. Therefore the newly revived Pope is the eighthKing, ,molt wor- thy ofall the refl: to be pointed out with the finger, and to have it cry ed