CA P. 17. R Keì elation ofthe Apocalypfe. 59' cryed over him as he goeth ; This is Ipfe he. Out of which there may be a manifeft reafon gathered, why one Antichriff was decy- phered out by a double Resift, in the i 3. Chapter, namely ,becaufe he is both the feventh and the eighth King. And bee fhallgo into deiruilion. Becaufe hee is to be utterly de- ftroyed in his due time. This laft member is the fourth time of the Beall, fetched out of the generll interpretation,verfe 8. And fo that which is laid there,Which Was,and is not, and is to rife upout ofthe deep, itndJhallgo into deflrullion, is here expreffed in fomewhat diverfe words, fo that thefe,words, (When he Jball come) anfwer to the firfi member : there he muff continue for abort rime, anfwer to the fe- cond : there, andhe is that eighth King; and one of thole feven, an- fwer to the third : the fourth is the fame in both places. Wherefore now we'may fee, that whatfocver is fpoken generally ofthe Beall', doth belong to the opening ofthe nature of the [event,' Head. Seeing then that this Beall is the feventh King, who was to have the next place to him that bare all the rule in Johns time, and the regiment of'the Popes came into Rome fireight after that Empire ofthe Heathens, we have found out both Antichris7- himfelf, and the time wherein he arofe np, and that by a fecond moll; certain demon.. Citation. Which,that it may be made more clear,may be propounded in this manner : The feventh Kingfucceded next of allafter the Heathen Emperors, Who did make theJxth King that raigned at that time, When John Wrote,verf. i o. Five are faln,one is, that i. ,theJixth. But Antiebria is thefeventh King, verf io, I i. Therefore Antichri.Fl fucceded next to the Heathen Emperors; and Peeing the Pope of Rome is this feventh .Kingfrom the time of the Heathen Emperors, as Wehave made it plain ahoy've: itfolloweth alfo neceffarily,that the 'Pope ofRome is that hi beff andg'reates`t Antichrist, ofWhom the Scriptures do foreWarn us fo dili- gently, and thatfrom the time of the Heathen Emperors, andthat rho City of Rome is the whore from the fame moment. Now fee yee lefuites, from how neceffary .principles this Argu- ment rroceedeth, bring what Engines you can tooverthrow them, you (hall do no more good then if you Ihould fet ramparts to over- throw and fack Heaven. But as for your affertions,about which you keep Inch a difpute, touching the timeof Anrichri,Fl, they are but ab- furd forgeries ofyour own brains, and more 'Doti(,' then all the fooleries that can be thought of, as wee will make it to appear afterwards. F ff£ z Verf.i2.