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C AP.17. REvClat+òn ofthe Apocalypfe. 593 So, At What hour° I Wi/come, Rev.3. 3. It is doubtful! then,whether thefe words do note out the lafting of their power, or the terme of time when it (honk!. begin. The fir!} fignification containeth the fecond; For if they ¡hall re- ceive powerfor one hour° With the Beall, it mutt needs be alto that they fhall receive it at thefame houre together with him; but not contrarily, feeing the power of one may be prolonged to a further time, then the power oftheother,though both of them had the fame beginning altogether. Befides the Hiftoryagreeth marvelloully with the former Ggnification, which yeeldcth more evident and plentiful! knowledge of the Beaf, by this double and more Generals Mark!, and feeing out of all doubt, theHoly Ghoft would have the Beall to bemolt certainely known, we may upon juft caufe hold, that this is the onely meaning ofthe words. The next words, With the Bea¡{, the vulgar T ranflates, after the Beaft,againit the authority of all Copies, and againft the truth it felfe. For the Hornet are reckoned in the firft place, yea before the Heads,or any other part ofthe body, where fpeech is made touch- ing;the prifsngofthe Weaft;which (Mould not have been done,if they had been after the Béáfts or thh.e heads in their coming forth, Chap. r3.1. Ribera will have it to be the fame fenfe,whether we read With the Beaff,or after the Beafl,as if it were the fame time to begin their Kingdom together and after.Bcat he referreth neither of them to the . time,,but to obedience. But tuffs is alto abfurdand unreafonable, fecing to receive power whether it bewith or after the Beall, cannot be all one with that, to givepolder to the Keaft. Beda,being deceived with the vulgarTranila- tion,feeming to interpret it fo. But we cannot finde a fit example,or fufficient reafon. To goa Whoring after Idols, is to ferve them; but ifto receive power after a man, beare the fame fenfe, certainly then the Pope ofRome ferveth the.Devill,after whom he tooke his power; fecing then the words are thusopened,hence wemay obferve,a dou- ble marke to know thefe Kings by, one, that they íhall be made Kings together withthe Reaf1; The other that they ¡hall enjoy this Kingdom but fora(tort time;for the words(for abort time)ver. r o. The Angel doth interpret here for one houre.And that which is there Spoken ofthefeventh King; onely , is heregiven to all the ten Kings e_ Tually-.Not.that they thouldexercife nopower at all ever afterwards, after that they have Peen this hour runout,(for how ¡houldthe Beall ofwhom this is fpoken,together with them, enjoy his authority bit one