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C A P.17.../f § velatian ofthe Apacalypfe. 595 Agaths fpeakes thus of Rome, This is the City that is at the humble fervice of your Maiefie, Conti!. Conf}antin. 6. Act. 4. What was then becomeof Con,Ftaattinesdonation ofRome that the Papitts fo talk of; all this time ? And yet the donation it fif, if it fhould be granted to be good and lawful!, might declare fu ciently, where the Empire kept, and who had it in their hands at that time. Secondly, thefe Kings are the Hor>res oftbe Beast, throughwhoe helpe and furtherance the Popes dignitygreWgreat, while they drive away all hoflile violence from them, that might feem but to encroach upon it any whit. Neitherdid they only helpe them to grow with fighting in their defence, but alto by giving them mighty store ofriches. For although the PapiFts doboaft ofCm/A/wines donation impudently, as we touched it right now, yet it is certaine that he did grace and honour both the City and the Bifl op of Ronoe with many Priviledges, and that the Empe- rours thatfollowed after him, tooke nothing away from them that he gave,but did rather put more to the heap. Thirdly, they are Paid to be ten, becario fo many of the firff Em- perours fhould be notable for their diligence and paines in fubduing the enemies of the Romans, by meanes of which opportunity the Beast that was newly crept out,might get trength, andmight grow great inhis firfl: age. Now the particular Kings were thefe : a. Constantine the great. 2. Cenit.sntine, Con.s'tans, Conitantius his Sons; 3. Italian, 4. Lavinian, 5. Valentinian and Valens. 6.Ciratian,Valentinìan thefecond,and Theo- dollars the great. 7. Theodolites, With Arcaditu and Honoriuu his Sons, 8. Arcadias and.Honoriees alone. 9. Honorius and Theodolites theyoun ger, i o. Theodolites and Valentinian the third; For fo do Jerome, Prof - per, Visor, the Bifhop of Turone, Marcellinus Comes, and all the refs of the writers bothGreek and Latin, that I could ever fee,num- ber the Emperours that raigned together for one. For the Empire ofRome was one, though it was divided in the chiefe places and Governours,as the Image in Daniel,Chap.2.4.o. did allo fhadow out one Kingdom,with legs and feet that were divided. As long as thefe raigned,the Beaft that was but lately hatched,did flourifb,being then at length greatly and fore afflieted,when thefe were dead and gone, feeing there was no horn extant for a long time, that was able to drive and keep away his enemies from his head and [boulders. And et all the Homes were not of equal' ffrength, but the laff of them, were weaker than their fellowsfor Romewas twice taken in Hong- riot