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596 4Teve1sttaonòfthe Apoca.lypfe. C A P.17. rius his raigne. When glaricses and Ataulphus were Captainesof the war againft it,and yet theReafts headwas not Wounded in a deadly manner at this time,feeing it was a fhamefull rather then an harmfull overthrowwhich he had, Pompon.Let. in the life of Honor. and his hurt was prefently repaired againe, when Honoriru the Beafts Horn began toput forth his power, and to rowze up himfelfe, for-thenhe draye the Gothes out ofItaly, and Attains their King was triumphed over at Rome, and after that his right hand was cut off, he was car- ried away into Lipara, at the commandment of Honorius, Sabellic. Enn.8. Book r. Certainly Coniantius andArius did behave them- felves very ftoutly after that, and did defend the Majeftie ofthe Em- pire very worthily from all the affaultsofthe Barbarous people,how- foever Honorius and 1alentinian their Soveraign Lords, plaid the Cowes throughcloth and lazineffe. But after that thefe two lajt Hornes fell,it canhardly be told, how many and howgreat calamities were heaped upon the Beajt every day,when as there was no aide for him either in the weft or Eafi, that could drive back and beat down the outrage of his enemies, that rufhed in upon him. Being therefore deftitute of his Hornes, he ,came to that extremity, that men fuppofed him to be perifhed, and not to be at all, as the fecond Article of his eftate fheweth, verf. 8. Worthily therefore are the Hornes reckoned to be ten, in which number the whole defenceof the Beaft is- contained, which failed quite for a time afterwards, after that this number was come to an end. This is that one houre, during whichthe Beaft received power, . and not he onely, but theten Hornes with him; which did come to mineallo together withhim, teeing that there was no manner of valour or manhood left in any of the weftern Emperours for a long (pace oftime afterwards, that was able to refift the fierceneffe of the enemies. For the reft that followed after, namely Avituu, Maiora- nus,Severianns, eAntJémius, Rethimer, Olymbrius, çlicorius, Nepos, Orefte.r, 4ugnftulusthat was theTaft of the Emperours,were no leffe (port in their continuance,and feeble in power and ftrength,yea ra- ther ofnopower at all, then they arc very obfcurc and of no fame at this day, who are hardly known what they be, either by the ru- mour ofmen,,or the records of writers. Fourthly,the time wherein they had not received their Kingdom was the time of lohn, and wherein this Revelation was written. The heathen Emperors were playing their parts yet,namelytheDra. gon,while'the Woman did travell fore in the meane time withbringing forth