C A P. 17. dkvelatton ofthe Apocalypfe. S qq fèrrh her fen, as being not fcrong enough yet,neither being yet come to her full time, to bring her iffue; as it is chap. i 2. a. &c. For how= foevet there were forre men in the ages neat after Iohnt time, who were fomewhat better inclined to Clarittians thanother, yet the Dragon did devoure all the hope ítraightwaies, as it came fiat up, as who was aloft watchful! to lie in waite for the Womans delivery, till at length the full time came which God had appointed, and did bleffe, to be delivered of her lively man- child. Fiftly, the time of receiving their power,is at the fame houre with the Beall; for we have viewed, that the terme of beginning is alfo included in the (pace ofenduring. But feting this bemire is large, at what moment thereof was this power given ? Namely at that, when the Lamb caft down Diocle- jian and Maximinian out of their Empire, c.6. t 5. For then fhall we finde the Beaft rifingup,as it is clear by thefealing of the Elea about that time,c.7.And by that buarnini. Mountain that *as caft into thefea a little after,ch. i3. By the Churches betaking ofher Pelfinto the inner- mof part of the Temple, the wicked did domineer in the outmoft Court, and in the Holy city,Chap. H. By thefpace oftWo and forty moneths,throughout all which fpace oftime,this lurking in the Tem- ple and wildernefs lafted, Chap. a 1. 3. and 12.6. By the fame fpace oftime,wherein power was given to the Beall, and by the Throne,which he received by gift from theDragon,Chap. 13. 2. 5. But efpecially and above the reft,by his fucceeding next un- to the fixt HeadandKing,namely to the Heathen Emperours,ver.t o. of this Chapter. Thecommon caufe of all thefe things, dependeth upon the driving of the Dragon out of heaven,when as the Empe- rors did give over their Empire fo marvelloufly. For what other thing could be the eaufe why the Church did live in fo diftreffed a fafhion at that time, but onely the Beall-, who was then come into the world ? The Woman therefore fearing him more terribly, then Elie had done the Dragon, did being forth her fon,and fly away both at once; that is, after that the had brought the Chriítian Emperors into the world; among whom, Conflantine taketh the firft and principali place, fhe straightway rated up her felfe in darknefs and folitarinefc, having conceived more hatred in her heart,againft the ambitious,and deceitful) Popes,who brought in fhadowes, and pielures of Piety,in Read ofits found and expreffe portraiture,more then fhe did againft the profefhed enemies thereof; as it is Chap. 12.6. Therefore thefe G g g g Emperours