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598 4Rervelation ofthe Apocalypfe. CAP.17. Emperors onely are the Horner, to whom alone all tilde properties domolt fitly agree. . The Kings that arofe up out af, and after the wafting and over- throwofthe Empire, had not their beginningand Kingdomes toge- ther with the Beat, if we give him his fecond uprifing, as others commonly do, about the yeare 6o6. but almoft two hundred yeares before. For thepeople calledSuez i,cflani,Gother,Tandalls poffefíed both Spines, while Honeritaa raigned. The,randals did alfa hold AfFrick e in poffèílon. The Çothes, the Franker; the Burgundian fea- zed upon France, the Englifhmen upon Britany, the people called Hunni kept Pannonia, and other people challenged other Countries as proper to themfelves. Thefe Kings flouriflied, while the BeaH was almofl brought to deaths doore in the mane time, with that molt grievous wound that had long beforebeen given him Neitherdid thefe receive their power {or anhoure,as the true Horne: did; but they hold that digni- ty conf#antly to this day by fucceffion of their heirs,which once they atchieved.The glory (I fay) oftheKingdorpes did never fall to de- cay, howfoever manyfamiliese perhaps have been often changed. Laftly,neither did they fucceednext to the fixt head; but they have the Popes, and theChrii; Enperanrs conning betweenand in the middeft ofthem. By the fame arguments do all rhofe things fall to the groundwhich Riberg the 7efuite:fetterhdown concerning the ten Homes, upon the t 2. of the Apocal.Nomb. i i. As it mayappeare clearely to him that weigheth the matter on bothfides, fo that I (hall not need to fpend time in confuting his fond conceits. If any man (hall obje& that force oftheft Emmaus were Godly and holy men, let him re- ceive this anfwer once againe, that thofe good Princes knew not whatMonfter they were hatching, even as alfo it fared with many learned men, who took no leflecare and pains to fet out and grace the Be.aff with their writings, then thofe Empererr- did, to defend Minwith theirfwords. Which thing confidered1it is nomarvell that both ofthefe did honour and adorn the Be4, and that (rivingwho Should do it molt, Peeing his confederate thew carried a kinde of re- verence with it, but-hisfowle andugly hue,was as yet more clofely overed,then that it could be commonly fees. Neither is it needful( thatall the Howesitould once,more then the Heids,which fucceededone after another. And indeed fo is the Beaff, a rowand arnk ofBif ops,as wehave (hewed,whicha long order.of fucccffaon makes.