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CA P. 17. . Iteveliction ofthe ApocaIypfe. 599 make us up, but it is notcircumfcribed in any one perfori. And yet thefe firlt Emperours are the Horner in filch manner, as that they do containe together with them the whole order of fucceeding Empe- rors; but thefeare byname let downe before the reft, both because the labour and endeavour of thefe in advancing the Pope, fhould be firft and molt apparenr,who when once thefe had left him naked and deftitute:oftheir afïiftance,fhould lÿ in the ditch in aforlorn cafe for a time,as alfo becaufe the certain, definite,, and evident number of thefe Emperors, that raigned in the firft budding of the Popes ini- quity,fhould lead the,Beaftitheright-way tohis Lucifer likeheight in theAges following, and might alfo furni hus with more plentiful) light forthe underflandingof thiswhàle myfterr. For thefe Horner, Which/hall eate the flefb of the Whore, and "tall burn her With fire at )aft, are far difiant from the times of the firft Hornet, even the fpacc ofa thoufand two hundred threefcoreyeares at leáft,as-it appeareth Efficiently by thofe things which have been laid before.; Therefore theremutt afuccef.Ton be underftood neceffarily, to which the name of the ten hornet agreeth, iii refpeet of the whole body thereof. And thefe things beingthus unfolded, we have a third demonftrationof thofe things which are fetched out of this Chap. both of Antichrifh, and of the time ofhit coming. For the Beall, which received power for one houre With the ten Kingr,who were not yet come to theirKingdome in the time of John, but were to come to it ftraight after that the fixt King was gone, who-was then prefent, ù Antichrifl; but the PopeofRome is the Beall who received his power a thoufand three hundred yeares from this time, and that for one-and at the fame houre with thefe tenKings, as the have made it manifeft. Therefore he is thatAntichrift, and fo hathbeene for a thoufand three hundred veares. And thus all things are .correfpondent among -themfelves mat fitly, and do all of them aime at the fame marke in a tuarvel!ous manner. Vert: i;. Thcf hitve one ?Vinci. So much forthe entrance into their Kingdom. The courfe and endeavour of thefe ;Kings, is torbe- ftow all their ftrength and power with one purpofe of heart, to de- fend and to maintaine the Beaf. Whichwords do ihew us in afew words,yet clearely enough,,what minde the ,Emperors fhould carry towards the BijhopofRome,chiefly by the fpace ofthe tWoandfourty moseths,which is the time of his flouri(hingTyranny;Fortheir decli- ning from the Pope;hpuld not begin forthwith,at or upon this fpace Gggg .z of