C AP.17. Reevclat+on ofthe Apocalypfe. 6ov would or no, and he made thofe very fame Emperors to come un- der his yoke now, by whofe help he brought others under it before. Or admit that force one, who faw more then the reft, did hate the very Popedome alfo, yet one Siallowmakethnot a Sprint : As for the words, Montanus reads the Verb in the prefent Tenfe, they do give, as thatin thebeginningof the Verfe, they have, though fpeeeh be hadof that which is to come, which yet is frequently ufed in re- portingofmatters : Theod. Reza reads the Verb in the future Tenfe, they 'ball give. Verf. 14. Thefe ¡hallfight With the Lamb. Now he declareth the Battei ofthefe Horns, which they fhould fìghtagainft the Lamb. But what, did Confiantine and the reff of the good Emperors prat .ife any rebellion againft Chrzft their Lord, for whofe Caufe they took up weapons againft others ? Certainly.a man,whatfoeverhe be,good or bad,doth then tight againdl the Lamb,when he Both carnally de- fend any thing that is repugnant toholy Ordinances. And indeed; if a man (hall look into thofe manifold fuper(titions, which were brought in,while even the bell oftheChriftia*Emperors raigned,who were either the authors or the abettors of them,he fhal fee eafily this fight of theirs with the Lamb, though thofe Holy men (for fo I may call them,who finned ofignoranceonly, and not of fet purrofe,whom, God did therefore pardon forhis Sons fake) though thefeHoly men. (I fay ) thought nothing leffe, than to fight again, ft the Lamb, whom alone they defined tobe the Lord and Ruler of all. Thus may they be faid tofight againft the Lamb,who were the fiat emperors; Yet they came far fhort from wagingfilch war againft the Lamb, as fhould be undertaken againft Him in his Saints, after that end ofthe two and forty moneths. For fo weheard above, that when the two 'i itneffes fhouldhave ended their teftimony ; the Beaft which Jhould rife up out of thedeep, JhouldWage war againft them, andJhouldovercome, andflay them, Chap. II. 7. which wee have (hewed to have been accom- plifhed, partly by the conduct and defignes of thePope, when bee triumphed over the Holy Truth with a troupof purple Prelates that were banded together at Trent, againft the Lord and his Chrift, partlyby the Armies and Forces of Charles the fifth, rise Emperor, whodid withal! perfecwtte the `Princes of Germanywith a lamentable war, becaufe they required a liberty toworliip the Lamb, who be- gan a littlebefore that to (hew himf`elf clearly to the world' again, after it had laine in darknefle for a long time The Angel fpeaketh in the plttrall number, as if the.F(orns did joyne their forces toge- ther