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6oz AÇPevelation ofthe Apocaaypfe. C A P.17. tiler to makehis war.But it is no new thing tohave that Paid tobe dory by all,which is done by any oftheir order. There were many rebel- lious enterprifes fet up againft the Lamb before this, but this one de- ferveth the name of a Bartell, more then all the reft. end the Lamb fliall overcome them. Mark here, how the Holy Ghoffjoyneth the viElory of theLamb With thin Battell, which can be only underffood of this one. But the emperor got theviftory in that war ; it is true indeed, ifwe refpeet that very time of darkneffe,du- ring which, the two Witneffes fhould lie flain and unburied, but after that thofe few dayes fore-appointed ofGod were expired,they who triumphed erewhiles like conquerors, had now their turns come to bevanquished. For Mauritius made afar takehis heels, and com- pelledhimat Taft to grant peaceand liberty to them of the Religion,as wehave (hewed, Chap. Ix. r r, 12. This free confeflion ofthe Truth is this vie}ory, which the Lamb wrung from the Emperor againft his will. And not from him alone, but from all the at allowho fol- lowed after : as Ferdinand, Maximilian, Rodulph ; who feeing it to be in vain to kick againft the prick, did ceafe to be injurious and troublefome to themof the reformedReligion. I would to God that the Emperor would at laff begin to make the vi(ctory of the Lamb, glorious, not only y ceafìng to refit} him any longer, but alfo,by, abhorring all the Romifh abominations, wherewith he hath been fo long deceived, as alfoby imbracitag the favingTruth it felt. How is it, that he confiders not, that he doth now follow after the triumphall. Chariot of the Lamb , otherwife then hee is aware of. For it is not a matter of chance and hap-hazard, but it is the work of the melt mighty ViHorious Lamb and Lyon of Iada, who is able to make the mighty Peers of the earth to be the surfing Fathers of his Church. But were it not better for him to accompany the triumphall Cha- riot of the Lamb, rather as a partaker, and fellow with him in his viEIory, then as one that is bound and pinioned, andfo made a miferable fpeftacle to all the world of a fearful( difcomfiture, which the Lamb hath put him to for fighting againft him. Now the mighty and gracious God open his eyes, that he by rewar- ding the whore according as her renowned fans do delerye, may be the firff ofthe Horns that may win this glorious crown, which if he (hall defpifeor neglett yet neverthelef e another fhall carry it a- way from himere long. And thofe Which are With him, called andchafen, andfaithfull; Namely