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604 evelationofthe Apoca1ypfe. C A P.17. Verf. t6. And the ten Horn, Which thou faweft upon the Beaf . Now the Holy gho1i defcribeth the afflicted eftate of the Whore, teaching us by whom this affliäion fhall be brought upon her, and after what manner, unto which he dorh next in order joyn the com- mon caufe ofthem both;thc wil andpleafureof God,in the next verfe. As touching the words ; in (lead of there words, upon the Beaft, the Complurenfé F_dition, which Montanus and Plantine follow, rea- deth and the Beal ; as if the Beat himfelf fhould hate the Whore at length, which is contrary to that reading which Aretes, the vul- gar Latin, and Thesd. Beta make, and that with authority ofmany Copies, and indeed,it is contrary to the manifefl truth. For the Holy Ghoft underftaudsby this laying of the Whore wafle, which he fore- telleth in this plact, that calamity which is to be brought upon the Kingdom of the Bea.ft,bv theVial that (hall be pow red out upon his Throne ; ofwhich we have heard, Chap. r6.1o, i i. Therefore how can it be, that the 73eas`i íhouldmake himfelfan helper forward of the Whores defacing and overthrow, as it is neceffarily gathered,that he fhall out of this corrupt translation, whole fall hee fhall take fo to heart, and for which he fhall bevexed fo immoderatly, that hoe ¡hall gnaw his tongue for exceve grief and indignation at it. Moreover, Joén law the woman fitting upon the Beaf,at the fame time when the cometh forth to be condemned and executed. What time therefore can they fet, when this his forfaking ofher, and parting offellowfhip with her (hall be, which they talk of,when as there fkalf be fo great and neer joyning and uniting of them to- gether, even to her lafl dcfiruc`lion ? Wherefore that which Bellar- minelabours tobuild upon this rotten foundation of a corrupt rea- ding is a vain thing ; namely, that Rome is not the Seat ofÁntichrift, becaufe Anrichrif shall hate the Whore, which bee granteth tobe Roane. For (faithhe) he Will never hate his oWn Seat. But the whole afftimption of this Syllooirme, if it be drawn into form, is wholly and manifeiliy falle, becaufe it relyeth upon no other ground, but a faulty reading. But how is it, that he dareth depart now from the vulgar tranfla- tion, which he extolleth to the skies elfewhere,and which the Conn- cell bath decreed !hould be only authenticall ? The force of the truth hath compe;led him to feeke every corner, and if he could by any means help the Pope to elcape the dint of the Broke, which the Truth faftens on him, he knew the Co,ncell would be eafìly brought to pardon him. Wherefore they which fhall hare