C AP. I! f. ,/f7evelattonofthe Äp0calypre4 605 the whore are the ten Horns ; and not the Beaft together with them. Now the Relative to the Neuter Antecedent (Cornuta, Horns)is put in the Mafeuline Gender,in the Green, (os, oy,the/e) becaufe men are to be undetftood by there Horns. But as the war that was waged againft the Lamb' was attributed to the ten Kings, which Was made by themeans of oneof them only, verf. 14.. So here it is Paid of all of them, that they (hall hate the Whore, and work her laft deftructiorì at length, the glory of which work nevertheleffe,fhali, perhaps,belong to force one oftttefe Kings. For there arenot wont to be more Emperors thenone, fubfif}ing at once,of one and thefame Empire. And it may be,that even as at the originali of the Beat, the ten firft ChriftianEmperors, were notable for their love and zeal towards the 'Pope, above marry after them : Soon the contrary, the ten laft Emperors that fhall raign neer to his end, (hall carry a peculiar and fpeciall hatred againft the Whore above many before them, the Iaf# of which fhall burn her with fire. But I call them the left Emperors, not as if there ( hould be an utter failingof them, when the Popes fhall be abolifhed ; but becaufe they {hail be no longer the Popes Horns, as now they are counted, but (hall be the lati of his upholders ; out of which it is evident, that the Tark is not the man, bywhole means Rome (hall be utterly de- ftroyed,but that he (hall be one ofthe emperors, to whom this name ofthe Horns agreeth in their beginning,proceeding and end. And in- deed,if the Turk,knew what were for his owngood, he would never plot orpractife any hurt against Rome; For while he fhallfiand fafe,, our wars againft him, that be Chriftians, gall dohim no hurt. Take an example hereof (0 Chriftians !) and fee thereby how true it is that I fay, out ofthatviccory which they got againft you at Karefae, a few beers ago, that is, theyeer 1596. How came it about, that at the fame time, when yee had gotten the victory, yee took your heels,, in extreme haft, and fled from your conquered enemies, being ftro- kenwith afuddenpanick fear by Gods hand ? What was the caufe,, that when the curls fled away, and left their Tents and Houfes ie the fields for three whole dayes together,not leaving anyone tokeep them, you on the other fideput your felves to flight moll defperate- ly ?There have been fome of old,that knew not how to ufe a doubtful] victory, but that men who were conquerors, and might be affured certainly of thevit`tory, when they faw their enemies slain, foyled, and put to flight, this may be thefirft example (as.I think) ofGods over-ruling power, the like whereofwas never feenor heard ofbe- H h h h fore