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-6o6 AT(evelation oftheApocalypfe. c A Pa . fore in this kinde. And iris a matter to be thought of with much a- flonithment ; and yet the caufe thereof is not hard to finde out. This Turkifh fcourge of the Chriftians, is not to be caft into the fire, till both the Idolatry of the weft be forfaken by true repentance; and Rome alfo that is the Sinke and Hidraes head ofthis impiety, be utterly defaced by the Taft puni(hmenr, that (hall be infliéled onher for this and all otherofher horrible fins. That cruell enemy .bath been fent into the world for this caufe, as we have heard out of the endof Chaper 9. And there was ho better an ilfue tobe looked for ofthat Hungarian War againft the Turkes , feeing the Banner of Maximilian theeArchdul¿e, whowas the chief Commander in the Chriflians Army, had the Imageof the bleffdVirgin Marypaintedon the onefide ofit, With this infcription :The Patraneffe of Hungarie. Which impiety was drunk out of the Cup ofthefornication of Rome, but now ye may learn by experience,how little it availethyou to for.. fake the true Patrone and Governourofheaven and earth,and to get untoyour felves new patrones betides him, and that with extreme injury to the Saints, whom you pretend to honour, certainly it was this Patroneffe that made you recoile fo fearfully , when youwere Conquerours. Be wife at length, and turne the edge and rage of your anger againft Rome, which makesyou aprey unto the Turkes, through this policyofholdingyou in Idolatry. When this Cup of Fornication, and this Aop where Idolatry is minted,fhall be once brought tonought,we (hall have no need of our armies to take vengeance upon the bloody,and Barbarous Turke,but he (hall bedeflroyed, by forneother meanes, fo as he íha1l not moleft thofe that profeffe Chriftian Religion any longer. And I do not poure out thefe things ra(hly, nor forge them out of myown brain, but thofe things partly whichhave been faid before, Chap. 16. 33. And in other places, partly thofe things which follow, (hew them to be moft certain and true. And therefore thou in whom refteth all the Soveraigne Majefty of the Emperour that is left at this day, whom therefore it concerneth moft, to be delivered from this where of Rome, the greateft enemy thou haft,you alf the refi of the Chrifüan 'princes, underftand at length, what courte ye may take, both to get your felves honour and happineffe, with peace and fafety, as alto to bring unfpeakable quietnefs, and gladnefs to the whole Chriftian world. You have taken your marke amiffehitherto in letting upon your enemy; SanCtifityour hands and (harpen your (words up- on, and againft Rome, and then Confiantinepls flail not put you to