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CAP.17. AE,e)'elation of the Apocalyplc. 607 to any trouble at all. Burne up this Whore, and turne her into Allies, then (hall you tee your Brethren that !hall come from the Eaft, of whom the world thinketh little or not at all, who fhall take ven- geance on the Turbs and (hall plague them bybringing on them an utter drat-ruction , for all their horrible fins, and for their cruelty, vthich is not to be named , it bath been fo outragious. The fifth and fixth Vials of the former Chapter , have given you force taft of the truth of this good-fpell and happy tidings that I bring you, the former whereof hath taught you that 7trne (hall be laid wafte, the other that the leWes fhall be immediate- ly after that ; which how much they avail to make this good, which I now put you in hope of, it !hall appear more evident- ly afterwards in their proper places. At length marke diligent- ly, what things I write. I that am unknown to you all, and a man of no reckoning in my own Countrey, durft not take up- on me to fpeak to you, and to exhort you that are moft mighty and renoWned Princes , the glory of the world , and to giveyou notice of a matter of fo great moment, if the confidence that I repofe in the Truth of God, and the aflurance that this is that truth which I fpeak, ( which I do therefore fubmit and put to the trial! and judgement of all equal! judges) if this confidence (I fay) had not made me take heart and courage , to do this errand unto you from the Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. Wherefore if you !hall certainly finde , after diligent exami- nation , that that which I bring is true and certain , then I befeech you in Gods name, do your uttermoft, to deliver Eu- rope at length, that is fo miferably plagued and diftre(led, both from that firebrand of Civil War, within our own. bowels, which this Whore carrieth about with her, and rafts abroad amongft us, as alfo from that, which is the fewell of the Turk,es open Hoftility and warres againft us : and that moil juftly. Make your felves, and all your Artillery, ready againft Rome, and raze her to the ground , that is , and hath been of a long time, the moft certain and deadly bane and plague, to the bodies and follies ofall thofe that drink ofher poifoned Cupof fornication,that is, who ferve God according to her abominable fuperftitions and drvelifh Doctrines. They '&411 hate the whore. Hithertowe have heard, by whom the Whore is to be plagued, now we are taught in thefe words and the refl. that follow in this verfe, what way es they (hail punifla H hhh 2 her,